Thursday, January 17, 2013

It's just a jump to the left

Mary: "Dr. Grumpy's office, this is Mary."

Mr. Gregorian: "Yeah, did I have an appointment with the doctor on November 17, 2010?"

Mary: "Let me check... Yes, you did. At 2:30."

Mr. Gregorian: "Was I there?"

Mary: "No, it says you no-showed."

Mr. Gregorian: "Okay, I want to cancel that appointment."

Mary: "Excuse me?"

Mr. Gregorian: "I need to cancel the November 17, 2010 visit. I won't be able to make it."

Mary: "But..."

Mr. Gregorian: "I'll call you back if I need to be seen again."


  1. If the person is calling in 2013 regarding a 2010 appointment, maybe they need to see someone if they think they can cancel an appointment in the past. Though maybe he thought Mary could send a message back to herself in the past to cancel the appointment before the due date.

  2. He/she should learn to live in the present, not the past!

  3. "That's easy sir. Just drive past our office in a DeLorean at 88 mph, then call to cancel the appointment."

  4. And now I will be singing that all day!

  5. If anyone has the power to travel through time, it's Mary.

  6. Oh, and by the way, could I make an appoint to see Dr. Grumpy for January 2nd 1999 please? And make sure to call me a few days before to remind me of my appointment.

  7. You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into:
    The Nitwit Zone

  8. If he calls for another appointment, refer him to Dr. Who.

  9. Anon @ 11:18 ~ LOVE it!!!!!!

    So perfect!

  10. So I look out the window and there is a guy circling the lot in a De Lorean

    My father told a story of his Army days, when he was about to be discharged. His officer told him to re up and make it a careet with this admonition : Just remember , out there , There is no one in charge.

    Truer words not often spoken.

  11. might have been a time lord

  12. Great story but the comments are priceless! Let's do the time warp agaaaaain!

  13. Two things:

    1) I'm on a Rocky Horror cast and love the Time Warp reference!

    2) Having been to a neurologist for epilepsy as a teen, I associated them solely with brain issues. I was diagnosed with Morton's Neuroma in my feet a few months ago, and wasn't having very successful treatment. It wasn't until I found this blog last week and started reading through the archives that I realized a neurologist could help me with a nerve condition, too. (Yes, the prefix "neuro" in both names should have tipped me off. I'm slow sometimes.)

    I now have an appointment to get my feet looked at and hopefully stop the pain from recurring so often. So thank you, Dr. Grumpy. Your blog is entertaining and a problem-solver, too!

  14. I have no comments to offer today as the rest of your comments are priceless.

    Thanks for my best laugh of the day.

  15. As a psychiatrist I want to ask why he wants to cancel a past appt.

  16. Time to update the office policy from:
    "failure to cancel a missed appointment may result in a charge"

    to: "failure to cancel a missed appointment IN ADVANCE may result in a charge"

  17. This is hilarious. I can only imagine you guys get a lot "what?!" moments. =)

  18. Working in a Neurologist's office would be utterly entertaining!

  19. he might need a dr emmett brown and a certain delorean to go back in time to cancel.... lol

  20. Send them the invite. Looks like no one has showed yet...


So wadda you think?