Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Helpful children

Every afternoon, about 5 minutes before I get to their school, I send a group text to all 3 kids saying "come outside" to let them know I'm almost there. It goes to all 3, because on any given day I have no idea whose phone is dead/turned off/left at home.

So I got there yesterday. Frank and Marie are standing outside. Marie says "Craig is inside" and they start loading their backpacks into the trunk. Frank and Marie get in the car, and we sit there in the blowing snow, waiting for Craig.

After a few minutes of waiting Marie says "Dad, do you want me to go tell Craig that you're here?"


  1. Keen sense of the obvious dear child...

    "No, let's see if our fingertips can freeze, you first."

  2. Working on his hair?


  3. I hope you're not texting while driving!!!

  4. What was Graig's excuse?

  5. His phone was lost (still haven't found it) and the other 2 didn't bother to tell him I was there.

  6. Yes, dear, get Craig, and don't forget to tell his hair.

  7. Out of the mouths of babes...

  8. They are allowed to have phones turned on at school? Wow, progressive school! If a student at my son's school has a phone it has to be off at all times (off, not even on vibrate) and out of sight.

  9. Kim- No, no phones on at school. This is at the After-School club.

  10. I never got picked up from school, nor was I driven to school, 6 miles uphill both ways in the snow. Truth was 2 miles, just inside the bus limit, my friend who lived 200 feet down the street would ride and would flip me the bird every morning as the bus went by me. I would reciprocate.

  11. Packer - the image of that friend flipping you the bird, and the reciprocation, made me smile.

    (There's my equivalent of a "like" button for a comment in here.)

  12. Packer, my son rides his bike to school every day, as long as it's above 20 degrees and not raining too hard. We live about a mile from the school and he has ridden since Kindergarten, he is now in 5th grade. He is THE ONLY kid in the entire school who rides his bike regularly, the others are all driven or they take a bus...nobody even walks. Some of the kids who take the bus live within sight distance of the school. It annoys the crap out of me...they should walk or ride their bikes! Also, he leaves our house AFTER the bus has picked up the kids in the neighborhood, and gets home BEFORE the bus drops the other kids off. It is faster to ride his bike than it is to take the bus! Sadly, next year he'll be in middle school and he can't ride his bike there so he'll be forced to take the bus.

  13. Kim:
    Same situation where I live. A several-mile line of parents dropping off/picking up kids, while the buses are mostly empty. Never, ever seen a kid walking. And then they complain that kids don't get enough exercise.

  14. @Steeny-- I met that kid in First Grade, we are still friends to this day, 56 years. I recalled the bird flipping out of the blue , we were typical 12 yos--really stupid.
    @Kim, Yay for the parent who has the good sense to let them ride or walk. We used to walk in the late fall and winter and ride when warm.We would go en masse, there were basketballs being dribbled or footballs being tossed the entire way. It was a different time.

  15. Love the walking/biking to school. Around me people don't even let their 10 year old kids walk to school by themselves. What are these kids going to do in college when all of a sudden they are expected to go out by themselves? They are all paranoid about being abducted.


So wadda you think?