Thursday, January 10, 2013


No, folks, I don't really feel that way. But after an insane morning I needed to vent to someone, and Siri was the nearest listener.


  1. I do that starting mid-december through probably mid-january every year when people come in for their scripts and their new insurance. I also tend to do that when the snow birds are migrating to or from Florida if I get stuck working a couple of the stores in my district. Usually I also get the cow-eyed look when they come in and wonder why I couldn't just read their minds and know that their prescription expired and who their new doctor was or know they were out of medicaiton at home and transfered their prescription from some other big-box pharmacy in florida when all I hear on the answering machine is either heavy breathing or "this is edna and I need my prescriptions transfered from florida. I only want the ones I need." Of course, they also don't know the pharmacy name, phone number, what the medication is, and are pissed because they called it in at 9pm on a sunday when the pharmacy is closed at 5pm and the prescription isn't ready 8am monday morning.

  2. I asked Siri this and she told me there was no need for profanity. Fuck her!

  3. When did my dad become one of your patients? Because he's being a pretty f'ing stupid patient right now.

  4. "I asked Siri this and she told me there was no need for profanity. Fuck her!"

    She told me if I didn't like it, I could suck her dick.

  5. Understood. Have a nice day!

    Seriously things will get better they always do.


  6. If they weren't so fucking stupid, they wouldn't need you :) Although they might not express it often enough, I'm pretty sure they're grateful.

    Everyone is human and has bad days. I think it's perfectly healthy to take out your frustrations on Siri...better than your family!

    Hang in there...for all the stupid people out there, I'm sure you've got some truly wonderful gems in your practice. And, hopefully today is a better day.

  7. Take care. Sure it was not the pts (if they are coming to you, there is possibly a problem in hte neurons, after all) or (my favorite) the insurance companies?

  8. The reason your patients are so fucking stupid is so that you have something to write in your blog.

    I thought that was obvious. You started the blog, you tempted Fate, Fate is sending you the biggest idjits in your area.

    Say thank you to Fate!

  9. you out to work in a public STD clinic.

  10. Please tell me that all of the medical professionals here have read todays Passive Aggressive note...


  11. A person with an IQ of 100 is not smart at all. Given that 50% of population falls below that line, please EXPECT your patients to be pretty stupid, especially compared to an MD.

    All of this would be fine, if only those 50% or so would not be told all their American life how beautiful and smart and wonderful and special they are.

  12. @anon 3:10--Give us the Oxymoron alert well before you use the "medical professionals" line again.

    Go old school IB : Fling , yes fling open the window , or as I like to say the venturana and hang half way out and at the top of your lungs yell: I AM MAD AS HELL AND I AM NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE."

  13. Siri should have answered with the Harlan Ellison quote, "The two most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity."

  14. Did Dr. Pissy post this perhaps?

    Given the number of people that fuck her, Stupid is a major league slut. Those that fuck her are liable to catch something nasty.

  15. "Now, Now."

    Reminds me of the way to comfort a grammar Nazi: put your arm around them and say gently, "There, their, they're."

  16. Packer - I thought that 'folks who make me slap my forehead laughing' was awfully forward for 3:10 in the afternoon...

    And, it was to close to 'co-workers whose forehead needs to be slapped' and I didn't want to confuse the two.



  17. I'm sorry, Ibee. I can't tell you why.

  18. ER's mom - now THAT was funny!


So wadda you think?