Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Skool Nerse time

Attention parents:

Calling in to say your kids will be absent on Thursday and Friday, because it's the end of the world, is absolutely the lamest excuse for a long weekend I've ever heard.

If you really believe that, you're going to have a boatload of catch-up Christmas shopping to do this weekend.


  1. It's either the kids stay home or the question of how many of your students will be expecting little brothers or sisters by the beginning of the school year in 2013?

  2. Hey, I think it's a great reason. If you really think the world is going to end, don't you want to spend the last few days with the people you love?

    Of course, they're nuts for believing it, but people believe lots of nutty things.

  3. My son was just telling me this morning that lots of his classmates are not going to school tomorrow. My eyeballs could not roll far enough back in my head to express that bit of idiocy.

  4. I remember when the world was supposed to end back in the 80s sometime...forgot the exact date, but I was in high school. It was supposed to end at lunch time and we were all in the cafeteria....everyone was in the cafeteria, which was weird because my high school had (and still does) an open campus and the high school kids were allowed to leave during lunch and walk to the local restaurants or home, just as long as they were back in time for their next class. Anyway, so there we all were in the cafeteria. The time for the world to end came and the entire cafeteria went quiet. Total quiet. You could hear a pin drop. That lasted about one minute and then everyone, students and faculty, erupted into laughter. It was on of those high school days I will never forget.

  5. At the school where my kid goes, the was another kid that said that since the world was going to end anyway on Friday, he was going to bring a gun and go out in a blaze of glory. He was overheard by some teachers and has now been removed from school. Now a lot of kids at that school are afraid that a gunman will show up on Friday in the assembly and go on a shooting spree. I bet that there won't be many kids at her school on Friday. This hits home because we live less than 20 miles from the shooting that happened in Oregon at the Clackamas Town Center on December 11, 2012.

  6. So the world ends. Yes, it's a disturbing thought, but I recall a nun in one of my Jr. High classes saying some saint was asked the same sort of question and he replied that he would keep on doing what he was doing.

    Makes some sense to me.

  7. So what is it Fire or is it Ice ?

  8. Packer: Based on the weather report from the midwest, sounds like ice. (Does buried in snow count as ice?)

  9. I hold with those who favour fire, Packer, but for destruction ice is also great.

  10. My dad would have totally done this. He was the master of the over-the-top-wink-wink-nudge-nudge excuse notes. My favorites were the ones he would write for opening day of baseball, and those are also some of my best memories from high school. ( We went to a private school, so didn't have to feel guilty about reduced funding for absences and we all had 4.0+ GPAs, so he wasn't worried about academics if we missed an afternoon!)

  11. An engineer from my client and his wife, both degreed professionals, were convinced that the world was ending on the 21st. They emptied their savings and went to a casino for one last fling, losing over $12,000 in just a few hours.
    Sigh. That much money would have bought a lot of books on medieval history, chocolate, and catfood (the 3 necessities in our home).


So wadda you think?