Monday, October 29, 2012

I just had to do it

I was on call this weekend, and overheard...

Unit clerk (flipping through a Rolodex) "Hey, does anyone know Jenny's number?"

Dr. Grumpy: "867-5309."


  1. Sweet, was the unit clerk old enough to get the joke?

  2. Yes. You had to. That compulsion would have been absolutely impossible to resist for any child of the '80s!

  3. I would wonder what was wrong if you didn't

  4. Did the clerk phone the number?

  5. And I will now be singing that song for the rest of the day! Thanks alot ;-)

  6. I actually do that any time someone asks me for a phone number. I love it!

  7. you can call me up for a date any old time

  8. Ear-work, indeed! But you had to do it. Was the clerk aware of "Jenny?"
    Hope you and the Grumpy clan stay safe during the storm, and that your pts take care as well! Who is evacuating Ed? Just wondering ...

  9. Hopefully she got the joke. Did she ask for the area code?

    Always sad when the person is too young to get the joke. Makes me feel old and dated when that happens.

  10. My friend Jenny has the same phone number; how crazy is that?

    Have a great day!

  11. You really gotta be one of the "fun" docs to work with. Can just tell.

    @Ms. Donna: I thought the Grump clan lived and worked on the left coast????? Or at least closer to it.

  12. no one of our certain age could possibly have resisted that. No one.

  13. I hope Jenny hasn't changed her number and you should've told the clerk that next time check the wall in the "for a good time call" section instead of the Rolodex. ;)

    And now I'll be singing this for days...

  14. No, you couldn't have resisted...
    Thanks for the ear-worm ~

  15. At least you didn't say, "Pennsylvania 6-five thousand.

  16. Heh. This makes my day, here in hurricane land. I love 80s music.

  17. The perfect response. I would expect nothing less from Dr. G.

  18. Hehe, wonder if he got it?

    I don't know where you live in the Us but - hope that you are well out of the storm zone!

  19. Shouldn't it be written on the wall?

  20. Nicely done.

    A few months ago, a younger male FB friend of mine posted a mobile phone picture with a Solo cup with a girl's phone number on it and he said, "I got a number!" and it was 867-5309. Poor guy, too young to know he'd been had.

  21. I have been singing that darn song in my head (at least during waking hours) and humming it...since reading this last night.
    thanks Dr G . beats "henry the 8th I am..."

  22. Kyla, are you sure he didn't know? I'm hoping he did know and the post was a joke, because otherwise as far as he knew he was giving the phone number of a woman he just met to all of his FB friends, which is quite alarming.


So wadda you think?