Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Dr. Pissy still uses paper charts, and has a room near my office where he stores inactive ones.

1-2 times a year his secretary makes a list of patients who have died, and moves their charts from the front shelves to a box in the storage room.

Yesterday I was talking to Mr. Patient in my office, when Pissy's secretary wandered past my door behind him. She was struggling with a pile of charts, and looked like she might drop one at any minute.

Being a gentleman (or at least trying) I stopped talking to Mr. Patient and called out, "Hey, do you need a hand with those?"

Pissy's secretary said "No, I'm okay. I'm just putting a bunch of dead people in a box."

Mr. Patient looked startled, to say the least.


  1. recall shocked looks of patients at check out desk, as i informed front /clerk..."I'm admitting Mr Camel; he is really SOB...."

    (short of breath)

  2. Yeah, I'd say they're definitely "inactive."

  3. LOL. I hope you explained to your now-worried Pt. Glad you came thru the storm IWhatever intact!

  4. *Ding*

    Bring out your dead!

  5. I follow your blog, cause its hysterical. I have MS and thus my own neurologist, and while she's cool, I totally wish she was as cool as you.

  6. Not the best advertisement for Dr. Pissy, is it?

  7. an goblins 'ill get you, too, if you don't watch out.

  8. If it were only that easy. There is always so much paperwork when you put the deceased in a box!

  9. I've got binders full of dead people!

  10. Wow, in all my years working medical records I've never had a doctor offer to help me with moving charts. You are a true gentleman! :)

  11. LOL. Thanks. I needed that.

  12. I remember after my Chiari/syrinx operation, the hospital sent me an invitation to my own services... I called to inform i WAS alive still, but maybe a bad call on my part part.. Wonder if my kids would have gotten money> (i.e. college funds..) Guess ya never know!!


So wadda you think?