Monday, October 15, 2012


Mary usually shows up around 7:30 each morning. Today, at about 7:45, she called my cell.

Dr. Grumpy: "Hi, you okay?"

Mary: "Yeah, but I'm stuck in traffic, there's a big wreck at 12th and Carson. Looks like a blue car smashed into a truck, and the intersection is closed. It's going to be a while. Sorry."

Dr. Grumpy: "I'm glad you're okay. Don't worry about it. I'll see you when you get here."

I wandered up to her desk and got paperwork ready for the new patient coming at 8:00, then began looking through some MRI reports. As I was sitting there a voicemail came in:

"Hi, I have an appointment 8:00, and I'm not going to be able to make it.  Some asshole in a blue car rear-ended my truck on Carson street on the way to your office and..."


  1. ...and so the rest of your day was chaotic. Diet Coke to the rescue!

  2. Looks like your patient an MA are already at 12th and Carson and won't be getting to your office anytime soon. I vote you you just go there and do the office visit in the bed of the truck!

  3. As Anon said, I suspect that one or more of the victims are going to need a neuro consult. Yak Herder to the rescue!Time for an on-site visit! Drum up more patients (hey the lawyers are already out there handing out cards ...)

    Seriously, I am glad Mary and your Pt are OK. Hoping the folks in the accident are OK too.

  4. Well, at least they were both okay to call - that's all that really matters. Adn you got a break before starting the rest of your day.

  5. I'm just glad it wasn't the person in the blue car that called your office.

  6. That was nice of your patient to call and let you know they were delayed due to circumstances beyond their control.

  7. Co Conspirators---nothing happens by accident.

  8. Reminds me of the Disney Ride: It's a Small World :D

  9. As an ER doc, when I get stuck behind those accidents, I know the ER is going to be a zoo when I actually get there. At least I know my first several patients will be trauma (and usually the police will let me through).

  10. My patient would have added "but you'll still see me whenever I get there, right?

  11. New reader here. Just wanted to say thanks for the laughs. You have kept me entertained whilst taking care of a pulled back muscle, which has left me good for nothing much more than internet surfing.

    I am knee-deep in past posts, and I think my fiance's patience is wearing thin for my giggles, followed by, "Listen to this one!"

    Oh, and I am currently experiencing the wickedest Diet Coke craving (for some reason). Being all crippled and such, I contemplated sending one of the teenagers out in the rain to get me some, but decided against it. Ahh self-sacrifice. They really should appreciate the things I do for them. ;-)

  12. Too scary to imagine, but too releaving to read the last line. Merry and your patient had the potential to get you more patients thanks to their individual delays:)

  13. One day, as our receptionist was turning left into the parking lot, someone rear-ended the car behind her. The rear-ending car was being driven by another employee on her off day (didn't realize the second car was stopped). Could've been much worse, our receptionist saw it coming and hit the gas, greatly reducing the second impact for the poor lady caught in the middle. As a vet tech, I don't expect to start my day in a stranger's back seat doing C-spine.

  14. Wow. What are the chances? Glad the patient was able to call and Mary wasn't involved in the accident.

  15. Wadda I think?? I think you are great guy for going up front to prepare paperwork, etc., for the first patient! Most docs I know wouldn't even consider doing such a thing.

    So I hereby bestow upon you "The Most Human Doc Award" for this month. Congratulations.

    Uh, since I'm a poor NP, there is no cash award that goes with this. Sorry.


So wadda you think?