Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Does she live near a nuclear plant?

Reading notes from another doctor yesterday I discovered this line:

"The pain radiates from her neck into the right shoulder, then down the dorsal aspect of the arm and hand into the 7th & 8th fingers."


  1. spoken like a neurologist.the cervical root origin is more important than the finger.

  2. Who said 'she' has got to be human?
    Perhaps you got the vet's notes in error...10-toed sloth perhaps?

  3. I thought only cats displayed that level of polydacyly.

  4. I hear it's not so bad until you get to number nine.

  5. I recall one of the most popular boys in grade school had 6 toes. Popularity was much easier then...

  6. Oh, crap I thought I was going to be the first one to get to use polydactylism in a sentence in comments.

    Use it in a sentence three times and the word is yours for life.

  7. Huh, which nerve root is involved in that?

  8. Crap, that kind of made sense to me. Time for an Alzheimber's eval?

  9. Ha! And at first I thought you meant it because the pain was radiating..

  10. Yall are making me...nervous.

  11. Wow - totally embarrased that I was able to read this several times before the 7th and 8th fingers were flagged....off for more tea!

  12. Well, if the fingers of one hand are numbered 1 to 5, and the fingers of the other hand are numbered 6 to 10, then there is no problem of polydactylism.

  13. Is this like dentistry, where every tooth is given a unique number? By knowing the number you know exactly which tooth is being discussed?

    Is every finger/thumb given a unique number?

  14. Sadly, no, each digit is not numbered sequentially across both hands. They are subdivided into Left and Right 1-5.

  15. Yet all the neurologists probably skipped the "finger" and substituted C7/C8 instead. I know I did... Then had to reread...


So wadda you think?