Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Steve Austin. Asstronaut. A man barely able to sit comfortably.

Technology. Bringing us the internet, iPads, digital music, MRI's, the International Space Station...

And, most importantly, the world's first BIONIC BUTTOCKS!

Thank you, SMOD!


  1. When I was a kid, I envisioned a future with flying cars and jetpacks. Little did I realize it would be even better.

  2. Ass-tonishing! Thanks Grumpy!

    Maybe I can get them a couple of test pilots from the Hotel.

  3. At last, this millennium gets its own Big Mouth Billy Bass.

  4. Oh, my.
    Oh my dear.
    Oh my dear god in heaven!!!!!!!!

  5. Lee "Scratch" PerryJuly 17, 2012 at 11:18 PM

    But where are the bionic rats? I've been waiting for them since 1977!

  6. The next generation of sex dolls in development.

  7. Really? Really?! All the technology this encompasses and the creator chose the anatomy of a buttocks?!

  8. You would think the Japanese would have better (more important)things to do.

  9. Thanks Dr G
    As I was staring at a screen image of a fake butt doing...? I thought is this an action I want to defend if my job depended on it? Somedays Doc, you are the weird side of youtube.

  10. As a long-time fan of Anime, I can tell you this has been considered. (Yes, my dweeb credebntials are out.)

    Think of the sex-bots in the "Ghost in the Shell" movies. On second thought, ECCHI! (Look that up.)

    Anyway, it is a nice advance in robotics. Yes, it's a little (make that a lot) yuck-provoking, but take what they got there. (Stop laughing, Grumpy!)

    How can that help us limited humans? Perhaps a better, less-limited robot? How else can this help? Maybe a step toward helping people who have lost sensation in a limb or parts of the body?

    Just asking.

  11. Ok, so maybe this is a start to something even better. But why the ass first? Oh yeah, because human FACES freak people out.


So wadda you think?