Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Annie's desk, July 9, 2012

Mrs. Gemini: "Hello?"

Annie: "Hi, Mrs. Gemini. This is Annie, from Dr. Grumpy's office. He wanted me to tell you your brain MRI was fine."

Mrs. Gemini: "REALLY! That's incredible. I'm so happy to hear it. I mean, I was pretty sure I had another one in there."

Annie: "Another one?"

Mrs. Gemini: "Well, I read this thing at the supermarket checkout about how this lady had, like, her unborn twin inside her head, with teeth and hair and everything, and I figured that's what I had."


  1. OOOH Unborn twin! I gotta add that one to my list of diagnoses.

    I diagnose all my friends illnesses as either a) Cooties or b) Space aliens. Or sometimes SPACE ALIENS GIVE YOU COOTIES. Now I'll add Unborn Twin to my list! Woohoo!

  2. I've always wanted to ask, Dr. Grumpy- what kind of advertising rates do you get for your half-page ads in the National Enquirer? You do seem to get awfully good responses...

  3. That's called a teratoma, and don't ask how I know that ;)

  4. Also, can I just mention how much I miss the Weekly World News. I had a subscription. It made the best wrapping paper.

    The website just isn't the same. *sniff*

  5. Someone's been watching too much Southpark.. albeit the nurse had it on the outside.

    Wait: Am I allowed to say "it"?

  6. It's neurology, not psychatry, right? Just wondering!

  7. Of course, what else? Happens all the time!

  8. Buy one, get one free.

  9. "And that twin had an even smaller unborn twin inside HER head, and so on to infinity..."

  10. "So can you think of another reason why teeth and hair come out of my nose every time I sneeze?"

  11. "So that voice I've been hearing in my head all these years has been lying to me! Is it possible I murdered all those people for nothing?"

  12. You might want to redo that brain scan...

  13. Now here in RehabLand, the neurologists actually train with the psychiatrists, just like in the good old days.

    Takes a special kind of doc to do both well!

  14. OMG...some people have too much time on their hands!

  15. Mrs Gemini is obviously a sucker for suggestive diagnoses....
    How about: take a long walk off a short pier?
    (And do the world a favor)

  16. Let me guess, Mrs. Gemini's first name was Matryoshka.

  17. Matryoshka Gemini. Sounds good if you say the first part fast and draw the second part out a little slower. Or, gobbledygook, or like edentulous space aliens with hairy teratomas, and either migraines or congenital congestion.

  18. ...not as crazy as you guys think. It might not have been a teratoma. I've seen this once before on a CT. This case is not mine:


    Not for the faint of heart though.


So wadda you think?