Wednesday, March 7, 2012


The DATscan is a test used for assessing patients with unclear types of tremors. Like many other tests, there are some medications you have to stop a day or two in advance.

So the guidelines include a helpful list of all such drugs, and their time frames.

I personally like this one:

"Hey, Phil, in order to take the test, you need to stop hitting the blow for 2 days."


  1. Am I not reading that right, but isn't there methamphetamine on the list too ? I read it so fast.....

  2. Actually, methamphetamine and amphetamine are legitimate names for ADD drugs like Ritalin and Adderall.

    (Lest you think I'm an addict or on ADD drugs ... I had three strokes at age 24, which is how I came to be on those drugs. I'm also a scientist, which I why I like to read about the drugs I'm on.)

    I love this blog!

  3. I am glad that I fired my neuro guy. His response (after knowing that my smoke smelling and hand tremors started AFTER sertaline) was to wait a month after my EEG to tell me I was having seizures. Even after I called and the office told me that the results were normal. I think I restrained myself admirably when I didn't use the words "fucking idiot" repeatedly.

  4. Okay, I LOL'ed on my front porch at 730am - the neighbors think I'm weird (what's new)
    My second favorite was 45 days for the fluoxetine - I doubt this is a test you want to delay that long - and I know it's not a drug you want to be off (or have your significant other off!) for that long... wonder what they consider "minor"?

    WV autocorrect - Rybov ogrodses becomes Rubicon overdoses - hmmmm

  5. Eh, not uncommon for opthalmologists and ENT guys to use cocaine anesthesia.

  6. DATscan doses actually contain a small amount of cocaine in a nuclear med tech we have to document the hell out of its use!
    I guess they don't want us taking DATscan for recreational use!

  7. I thought blow was heroin? I'd just like to make sure my street linguo is up to par.

  8. Not House -- Here's a handy list of heroin slang:

    I loled to this grump, and today I really needed it. Thanks.

  9. Perfect timing, I've already given it up for Lent.

  10. "Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit using cocaine."

  11. Ritalin is not methamphetamine. Methamphetamine is what all those people cook up in their home labs. So you need to get off the Meth 3 days prior as well as the coke 2 days prior, but at least you can keep taking heroin.

  12. Desoxyn = methamphetamine
    Ritalin = methylphenidate
    Adderall = dextroamphetamine and amphetamine salt combos
    Dexedrine = dextroamphetamine

  13. isn't cocaine used to treat some ophthalmic disorder?

  14. One may, however, take heroin ad lib before, during, and after said test.

  15. Desoxyn is methamphetamine, but c' many actually take it. I'm pretty sure it is a desi drug - came out before the FDA required mfg's to show efficacy and safety. Whenever I see that drug, I have to question why you would be using that as opposed to the proliferating number of newer and presumably safer (although...who knows?) drugs out there now.

    Regardless, methamphetamine is methamphetamine whether you cooked it up in your backyard shed, you got it from the dealer on the corner or your drugstore, you still need to stop it 3 days prior. :-)

  16. Scared those that were in the same room as me, I laughed hard over this one.

  17. My dermatologist just cut off some basal cell skin cancers. She said for at least 2 weeks, no alcoholic beverages. I moaned,"no 13 year old bourbon"? She said, none for 2 weeks.
    Then I asked,"What about Bud Light"?

  18. Cocaine's only legitimate ophthalmic use is confirming diagnosis of Aide's tonic pupil, which is relatively uncommon (not to mention, dilute phenylephrine works just as well). For routine numbing, proparacaine or novocaine are the drugs of choice.

    Anonymous O.D.

  19. I mean, we use it for nosebleeds sometimes, but I think sending someone home with a prescription for it might raise some eyebrows. " Uh, yeah, if that there nosebleed comes back, just keep on putting that cocaine syrup in your nose 'til it stops! I don't know how this could go wrong!"


So wadda you think?