Tuesday, January 17, 2012

"That was the wrong button, Nigel."

"British Airways apologizes for this unfortunate incident, and will pay to wash or replace our loyal passengers' underwear."


  1. I particularly liked the associated video. The cruise ship was flying??????????

  2. First is was heavily discounted cruises for the summer season, now European vacations at steep discount. But really I think I will just go to Mexico, it is safer.

  3. A Longtime BA CustomerJanuary 17, 2012 at 4:19 PM

    What I want to know- did the announcement that the plane was going down begin with the phrase "For your convenience...?"

  4. You know, I'm not as concerned that they accidently played the message as I am that there is a pre-recorded message at all. Does it happen enough they need a pre-recorded message?

  5. "In August 2010, a message announcing, "We may shortly need to make an emergency landing on water," was played by mistake on a British Airways flight from Heathrow to Hong Kong."

    How often does BA anticipate water landings that they have a button for this message?!?!?!

  6. I'd much rather they play that by accident then them not play it for real

    Just saying.

  7. It's less that it happens often enough that they need an annoucement and more that you don't want the pilots busy making an announcement when they should be trying to land in the water.


So wadda you think?