Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Freudian script

Dr. Grumpy: "Hi, this is Dr. Grumpy, returning a page."

RalPh: "Hi, this is RalPh, the pharmacist over at local grocery. I'm calling about a script you wrote for Valerie Smith yesterday, for her Valium."

Dr. Grumpy: "Is there a problem? She gets it every month."

RalPh: "It's her name. You misspelled it."

Dr. Grumpy: "What did I write?"

RalPh: "Instead of Valerie Smith you wrote Valium Smith."


Dr. Grumpy: "Holy crap. That's awesome."

RalPh: "Yeah, it took a while for the tech and I to stop laughing enough to call you."


  1. teehee, oops!


  2. I once received a lab sample labelled "Darth Maul". Figure that one!

  3. LOL @ Hospital Lab Tech!!!! That is awesome!

  4. Here, Grumpy. You might enjoy this one my colleague gave us to laugh about. http://goo.gl/ZbqO6

  5. awesome!!! awesome!!! awesome!!!

  6. is this the same RalPh from this post?

  7. Seems like all you folks are a little too mellow about this. Been taking yours I see.

  8. Uh, Grumpy?? Are you sure it's the PATIENT that needs that scrip? ;-)

  9. i always enjoy your blog. this post, though, made me laugh out loud. thanks for posting!

  10. To err is human. To be able to laugh about it, is awesome.

  11. And did you write the drug name as "Valerie"?

  12. I once got an Rx for Xanax with the patient's first name written incorrectly as "Anxiety"

  13. Hilarious. My doc told me about an hour after he input a prescription to a pharmacy he got a call from the pharmacist.

    The Pharmacist said, "Hey, you know this prescription you wrote for 3,030 tablets of valium? Is it okay if we only fill 30 and wait for the rest from the next supply truck?"

    Apparently they all got a good laugh out of that one.

    This is where a good IT control system should be in place.

  14. *like*

    Speaking of which, I've had a doctor write a script for a John Smith but given it to Jose Martinez. Right drug for right person, just wrong name on the script lol.

  15. Why do I think the repeated use of "RalPh" is a subtle reference to Cheech and Chong?


So wadda you think?