Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Goodbye, Steve

Thank you.


p.s. Stay hungry. Stay foolish.


  1. I know it. I am not a slut for Apple, but my heart breaks for his family.

  2. He changed the world.

  3. We have lost an avant garde member of our human race. My heart foes out to his family.

  4. God bless Mr. Jobs and his family. He was a fantastic man who changed so many lives.

  5. As a person recently diagnosed with neuroendocrine pancreatic cancer, I have been wishing for the release of more medical information regarding Mr. Jobs. I do understand that it was certainly his right to protect his privacy, but maybe some of his treatment protocols could give others a bit more information as we make decisions on dealing with this rare disease.

    But all that can wait as his family grieves and we all acknowledge his contributions in so many areas that touch our lives daily.

  6. Yesterday was a very sad day, indeed. Very few people in history have changed as many lives as he did. He led multiple revolutions in the computer industry and then branched out to turn the music and phone industries on their heads.

    He had a rare combination of out of the box thinking and business savvy. RIP. Steve.

  7. While a devoted PC user, I am sorry Mr. Jobs is gone. Competition is generally a good thing and he provided incentive for personal computers and other devices to get better. And he and his comapny did that while he was suffering from one of the most nasty illness imaginable.
    Farewell Steve, and Godspeed. You will be missed.

  8. And thank you for giving the world Pixar, the only movie studio I can count upon for good movies.


So wadda you think?