Wednesday, September 28, 2011

No kidding

Dr. Grumpy: "Are you allergic to any medications?"

Mrs. Morton: "Yes, ether makes me lose consciousness."


  1. I needed a good belly laugh today. Thanks for that!

  2. My favorite answer to that question thus far has been...

    "Yes, caffiene keeps me awake."

  3. huh. I always forget to include that on my allergy list. note to self.

  4. He must be related to my pt. who was allergic to epi ~ it made his heart race...

  5. Hmm, I like that one.

    Another favorite of mine--I'm allergic to lasix, it made me pee too much.

  6. I think she is related to my patient who's children were allergic to water. If she left them in the tub too long, their skin wrinkled...

    wv: subcant
    or can't submerge! LOL!

  7. Better than presenting a list of 500+ medications and when you ask them what kind of an allergy it was, they say something like "oh, I had an upset stomach"...

  8. ahahhahahaa
    I'm allergic to toast.

    Bread is okay though.

  9. Clearly, I have a severe allergic reaction to ethanol. It has all sorts of physiological effects, along with some social mistakes and that incident with the neighbor girl a couple of years ago...


  10. Once I invited some friends over for dinner and asked them all if they had any food allergies or problems I should be aware of.

    One responded, "I'm not very fond of ground glass."

    Been using that since!

  11. this is serious.. just like my allergy to birth control.. i just can't get pregnant anymore..

  12. medschoolodyssey, my father's friend believed until his dying day that he was allergic to ethanol because the first time he drank he had six beers in a row and threw up. Tru fax.

  13. Ha ha, medschoolodyssey. Reminds me of a line I heard once: I'm allergic to alcohol. Every time I drink I break out in handcuffs.

    wv: sadabb Belongs to someone who doesn't work out enough.

  14. Nice one Moose!

    ......And belly laughs make my teeth fall out!


So wadda you think?