Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Now THIS game just screams "excitement!"

This question was in an online survey I took last night.

(click to enlarge)


  1. I'm just visualizing an app for Wii.

  2. Extremely interested!!!

  3. Hey nothing happened when I clicked next...........

  4. Cross "Go," collect 200mg of Dilantin

  5. As a resident I might be interested; it depends. If said videogame allows me to virtually smack the ER attending for trying to force an admit for pseudoseizures, I would be "Extremely Interested (7)" in playing it, whether it incorporates "epilepsy seizure pathophysiology" or "new treatments for epilepsy".

  6. A game that incorporates pathophysiology?? I am soooooo there. But - doesn't come with built-in friends? Because I think wanting to play this game is part of the reason I don't have anyone to play with.

  7. A game that incorporates pathophysiology?? I am soooooo there. But - doesn't come with built-in friends? Because I think wanting to play this game is part of the reason I don't have anyone to play with.

  8. There are some educational websites that have math and spelling games. My son is very into computer games, he has a laptop, a Wii and a Nintendo DSI, but I just couldn't convince him that these math and spelling games would be fun.

  9. Hey, I got some CE once by playing a hypertension game. It was extremely hokey, but I think the game-maker needed some 'hits'.

    I checked back later for the credit certificate and it was no longer available. (But, it was so fun... in a hokey kind of way.)

  10. Well.... you are a neurologist... it could be about neuronal membrane channel mutations.

  11. Spear the opponent with a phenobarb harpoon.
    Whack him with a depa-Cane.

  12. Chopra's next winner.

  13. You neurologists have all the fun!

  14. Sounds like a lot of fun.
    My son, a pharmacy student, has a computer game with a virtual cat that shows appropriate clinical signs if injected with neuroactive substances. One time he was chatting online with his sister while also injecting the cat, and remarked "Oops, I just killed the cat." Only later did he realize that he had forgotten to tell his sister it was a VIRTUAL cat.

  15. The pathophysiology game includes flashing strobe-like lights that go off without warning. You win if you don't dislocate your shoulder when you fall over.

  16. I want it. Where can I download it from?


So wadda you think?