Monday, August 8, 2011


Dr. Grumpy: "This is Dr. Grumpy, returning a page."

Mrs. Concern: "You see my Mom for back pain, and it's still pretty bad."

Dr. Grumpy: "I've tried a couple things, but she wasn't happy that they all made her sleepy."

Mrs. Concern: "Yeah, but you really need to call in something strong for her pain, regardless of how sleepy it makes her."

Dr. Grumpy: "Is she worse today?"

Mrs. Concern: "No, but if her pain doesn't get better she can't watch my kids tomorrow."


  1. Knocked out from pain meds... yep that makes a good babysitter. Time to draw on grandma kids!

  2. I'm with anonymous. Grandma in a drug induced sleep from the pain meds does NOT a good babysitter make.

    Maybe Annie can watch them instead, ya think? We all know you've revamped your office waiting room to be more kid friendly so as to accommodate the people with children who come in to see you....

  3. "On the other hand, if she ODs, I think I can use it to get out of jury duty tomorrow, and then I don't need anyone to watch the kids."

  4. What Cthulhu Sashimi said. Seriously, why, after all this time with her raising you and doing whatever she can for you, do you only see her as an expendable resource, a "personal assistant" of sorts? Have some respect for your mother, damn it!

  5. What a selfish bitch! Did you hang up on her?

  6. Oh dear.

    Sign FMLA papers for the daughter so she can take care of her own kids AND her poor mom.

  7. Rx cough medicine for the kids , keep everyone happy.

    It is ok to laugh, tell me you didn't think along that line.

  8. "And if I can't find anyone to watch little Jeffy and P.J. while the doctor surgically separates them, I won't be able to make it to my nail appointment. I already had to postpone once because of my husband's funeral the other day."

  9. maybe Mom likes her back pain because she does NOT like watching the grand kids...? just a thought. Not everyone can just say "no."

  10. Is this woman related to Mike Hormone (the guy from last week who didn't want you to help his girlfriend get better too fast so he could continue to get shower sex)? I'll bet they're brother & sister. Really, Dr. G - I think you're a loon magnet.

    Too bad you're not allowed to whack them on the head with a reflex hammer just to test if it's as hollow as we suspect. You could charge for it as diagnostic testing. Though really, it's pretty obvious.

  11. this economy a free babysitter is a good babysitter. I totally picture the kids building train tracks around and over granma's belly while she is "taking a nap" laying down in the middle of the living room.

  12. NPD Anonymous meets every T, W, Th @ the local spa.

    Maybe you could send her a link.


So wadda you think?