Thursday, June 30, 2011

Reasons to throttle children

Dr. Grumpy: "How'd things go with the new camp counselor today?"

Craig: "Fine. He's nice. He looks a little like you, with that same tinning hair style."

Dr. Grumpy: "Tinning hair style?"

Craig: "Yeah, Mom says it's called tinning. Where you have skin in front and hair in back."


  1. Tinning is hereditary, Dr Grumpy, so in the long run you'll have revenge.

  2. From the mouths of babes...

    maybe that's why they don't talk the first year - it would be too hard on parents

  3. And the condition where you have hair in the front and skin at the back is called wigslip.....

  4. What a great idea!
    If I get my hair tinned, I might not need to have it cut again, ever!
    On the other hand, it might all fall out later.
    (Then we would be back with wigslip.....)

    WV: slyll
    what you call someone who cleverly links a follow-up comment to his original comment?

  5. You'll have your revenge in about 30 years or so. At least he thinks it's a style choice and not the fact that you are old :-)

  6. I have a tin spot. It shines, like tin, in the afternoon sun.

  7. but you probably said the same thing to your dad too when you were little ;-)

  8. Do a Wayne Rooney ( English footballer ) , paid £10,000 for hair transplant . ;-)

  9. I might not be too harsh on him. He might be the one choosing your nursing home someday...

  10. If it's any consolation, my daughter, who was 4 at the time, blurted out to my neighbor the following statement, "My dad hits my mom". My neighbor is a sheriff and his wife is an attorney so we about died when she said this and of course our jaws were on the floor! We asked her what she was talking about & she was simply referring to the fact that my hubby swatted my rear as he passed by me in the kitchen and she witnessed it. Thankfully, my neighbor is well acquainted with us and just laughed hysterically.

    Word verification: aptormel=the fusion of Aptos, CA with Carmel, CA

  11. Speaking of subjects kids introduce for no particular reason. In our parish, the new priest wanted to introduce himself to his flock and so would eat supper with a different family each night. Our turn came and we were all spit-spot, at the nice meal Mother prepared for the dozen of us. The older siblings were sitting every other with the youngers to help 'keep track of things' but there was no way I could do anything when the next to youngest (in my charge) blurted out, "Our cat's got the flute!" and then proceeded to describe in graphic detail how the cat had been vomiting then had diarrhea and it was believed to do something with worms that she saw in the fecal matter (my words-- hers were a little more-ahem).

  12. Tinning hair? Is that auditioning for the tinfoil hat crowd?


So wadda you think?