Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Hospital rounds

I'm sitting at the nurses station, scribbling in a chart. Two nurses walk by, talking.

Nurse 1: "So I woke up this morning, and I'm still bleeding. I need to call my GYN back, because... Oh! Here's Dr. Grumpy! Hey, doc, I have a problem, let me ask you..."

Dr. Grumpy: "Hey! I'm a neurologist! I don't deal with that end!"

Nurse 1: "I just wanted to know if we could give Mr. Carotid sedation for his MRI. He's claustrophobic."


  1. I just had this mental image of the Grumpster recoiling in horror at the thought of women problems.

  2. nurses are true multitaskers!

  3. I guess it pays to wait until the question is asked to answer.

  4. I would have assumed the same thing, Dr G... It's a universal problem, assuming!

  5. We nurses can change directions on a dime!!!
    Did you blush?

  6. Yep, assumption is the mother of all stuff-ups...

    Been there, done that! *grin*

  7. lmao... us nurses have a million things going at once, and luckily our other nurses friends understand :) lol. And we love to drive md's crazy..it's kinda like a cult??? lol. Thanks for the laugh :)

  8. If you ask me, your pre-emptive TMI strike was more than appropriate.

  9. I'm with Chris. The preemptive strike is also a good way of telling them that they are talking too loud and not everyone wants to hear about their problem.

  10. *snort*

    I have had nurses drop trou at the hospital to ask me my opinion.

    Always fun.

  11. Hey, it could have been worse. Imagine if you'd been a GYN!

  12. So how do you cope with migraineurs who get their migraines in association with their menses?

  13. Agree with ER's mom. Nurses are always wanting me to look something (a rash on the boob, is this a hemorrhoid or a rectal prolapse etc etc). Or asking about some female related problem. TMI TMI. Ah, the life of an ER doc.

  14. made me laugh ... thanks

  15. Ha! Our docs do the same thing - you should see them shudder and start stammering when someone dares to utter to the word "vagina" ;)

  16. I always pity the poor docs that get caught in the nurses convo in PACU...

  17. What's even more interesting is that they have dropped trou and show ME something to ask my opinion...I'm a pharmacist.


So wadda you think?