Tuesday, May 3, 2011

More Doctor's Lounge Horrors

Coming on the heels of the Doctor's Lounge Muffin Massacre...

This morning, as usual, I started at the doctor's lounge. I grabbed some Diet Cokes and a bagel, and trundled off to see patients.

This is the bagel I randomly picked up, without paying much attention:

Later, at the nurses station, I unwrapped the bagel, to discover this:

I'd like to thank my anonymous colleague who bit/tore a hunk out of this bagel, wrapped it back up, and returned it to the tray, for helping to support my diet.


  1. Gross! Those docs need a class in manners (or just some class)!

  2. Hey Doc. remember your repeat column of the other day where the cardiologist was complaining about prime rib and wanted you half eaten dinner roll.

    Oh, Yeah.

    Touche, he recognized himself.

  3. Is food free in your doctor's lounge?

  4. Yes, but limited to bagels, muffins, coffee, juice, and soda.

  5. Oh, and a real foul-tasting brand of tea that as best I can guess is meant to taste like you brewed a fish-oil capsule in hot water.

  6. You call that a bagel???

    I call that "bread in the general shape of a bagel."

  7. so, did you really eat it? or just throw it away?

  8. I gave it to a family of birds outside my office.

  9. That is NOT a bagel!
    That is not even close to a bagel.....shudder...

  10. 1. You get what you pay for.

    2. Beggars can't be choosers.

  11. That bagel looks...artisanal!

  12. Is there free food 24/7?

  13. They put it all out between 4-5 am. It's usually all gone by 3.

  14. I ate in a doctor's lounge once at HUP in Philly. It was sweet, but a little creepy also because it was located right above the regular cafeteria so that you could literally look down on the regular folk while listening to gentle classical music and eating a slice haha :)

  15. We get free donuts and scones at my hospital. It never ceases to amaze me how many people with cut a chunk off a donut and put the rest back. Who knows what type of bodily fluid was recently on their potentially unwashed hands? Yeech.

  16. I think this is called "involuntary portion control."

  17. That's what you get for not paying much attention!

  18. a couple a weeks ago, it was a banana muffin with the top eaten off. May I make a suggestion? buy your snacks elsewhere? Gross!

  19. I recently forgot a half-eaten chocolate bar in our resident conference room. Someone ate it, leaving only the package.

    The next day I left half-eaten hummus and crackers next to my workstation when one of my patients coded. When I returned, the hummus was untouched but only an empty cracker bag (and a couple of crackers on the floor) remained.

    I don't mind sharing, but I wish they'd left me some crackers to finish my hummus.

  20. It was the scrub nurses who sneak in there all the time !

  21. seriously, why do doctors do that?

  22. It's truly helping your diet--everyone knows that food from someone else's plate has no calories. He saved you about 500!


So wadda you think?