Thursday, May 12, 2011


Dr. Grumpy: "Pete, it's been years since your last seizure. What happened?"

Mr. Ictal: "I didn't take it on Saturday."

Dr. Grumpy: "Why did you stop?"

Mr. Ictal: "Because you told me to!"

Dr. Grumpy: "What?... I don't have anything like that in your notes."

Mr. Ictal: "At our last visit you reminded me not to drink excessively on Noseizure! So, since my buddies were all in town, and I knew we were going to get wasted on Saturday night, I stopped taking it for the day."


  1. Like they say: "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions."

  2. serves you right for not being super, duper, ultra, mega, über, zippy, explicit about Noseizure!

    alas, i guess sometimes having a seizure is just worth a night of getting wasted w/ old buddies?

  3. It's not a party until somebody has a seizure!

  4. Good logic there, Mr. Spock.

    wv: college, holy Moses!

  5. Hm. I stop taking my medications when I am going to drink too. Of course I don't have seizures. :/

  6. Love it

    There's a whole lot a shakin goin on.......

    There are those who are capable of prioritizing their lives outside the Calvanistic model. Their motto is le bon ton rouler.

    At the end of our days who will be happiest, those who have lived or those who have strived.

  7. I used to do that with my medication too. It never ended well. :P

  8. He follows your instructions at least.

  9. I love a man who has his priorities straight!

  10. I work on the pharmacy counter side of things and the miscommunications that happen sometimes are amazing.

  11. When I was in college taking a social work class the professor told us about a couple she was seeing who didn't understand why the wife got pregnant because she was taking birth control pills. On the days she forgot to take the birth control pills, her husband took them for her...

  12. Common conversation:

    pt: How long til I get this rx..I am SO SICK and I have to start it right away!!!
    me: about 20 min
    pt: grumble grumble
    (time passes..rx is ready)
    ME: counseling..yada yada, and please avoid alcoholic beverages while taking this medication..
    pt: are you kidding? not even wine with dinner?...(illness takes a back stage to sicko's booze infatuation

  13. To Sarah Glenn above: I *love* "miscalculated risk."

  14. The Evil ReceptionistMay 13, 2011 at 5:56 PM

    Well, he kinda listened to you.

  15. Very Funny and Sad at same time.....I wrote a post on Non-compliant Patients as well..if you want you can see it at and

  16. It has a certain twisted logic. Like people who never check their blood sugar so they have no high readings.

  17. "One of my buddies was the designated pill taker."

  18. Night shift pharmacists usually get a version of this on Friday or Saturday nights.

    The pharmacist said not to drink with antibiotic (metronidazole), when can I start drinking again (if socially conscious, or if not), when will the puking stop?


So wadda you think?