Sunday, April 10, 2011

Mutant Kiwi Fruits

Last week I put up a post on the vaguely pedophilic ad for Kiwi fruit that I saw at Local Grocery.

In an unanticipated turn of events, my reader Merinz sent in this picture of a fruit that she picked off her own kiwi plant.

And I have nothing else to say.


  1. Perhaps you should rename your blog: Dr Freud in the house?

  2. At least you're not asking $1 a peek.

  3. In New Zealand, you can go to the growers at harvest time and get huge bags of kiwifruit for a few dollars. the growerse sell off cheap the kiwifruit that don't fit into the trays for export. Kiwifuit that are next to each other on the vine tend to grow together, forming a structure that looks just like a big fuzzy scrotum. The additional appendage on this specimen is something else, though. I note that like the great majority of Kiwi men, it is uncircumcized!

  4. Well, the old Chinese name for them was "Golden goat balls" now you can see why.

  5. Is that a kiwi in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

  6. So, what kind of music does she play to her kiwis? Hmmmm?
    Bolero? Perchance?

  7. Great, we are heading into the abyss, photos of common items that look like genitalia.

    Tuesday is dog poop day is it not ?

  8. Kinda looks like it was spray painted for effect.

  9. the kiwifruit reminds me of this ham:

  10. Oh dear! Might need to reconsider every buying fruit again!


So wadda you think?