Monday, March 7, 2011

Pointless link

Normally I don't link to the Onion. I like their stuff, but figure they get enough readers without me. Besides, it's not like they even know I exist.

But, from both a medical and human viewpoint, this article is too damn funny not to share.

Actually, it sounds like one of my patients.


  1. This is my favorite:,14160/

  2. "Our theory is that Erik approaches f-g up unconsciously, his mind automatically creating a fractal model of scr-ng the pooch that is not unlike the infinite images contained within facing mirrors," Moore said."


  3. LOL! It seems like some of my customers as well!

  4. I tried to read the article, but I clicked on the link and... long story short, I have to get a new computer as soon as I get the insurance check from my house burning down. Except I wasn't able to pay the premiums the last six months for various reasons. Oh, wait the desk sergeant is coming back and I don't think he'll be happy if he knows I'm using his computer. I'd better send this...

  5. Bet you a quarter his Fukitol level is supratherapeutic.

  6. Post under 'Fail: (100% of the freakin time)'?
    Might be the same guy who can smell the gov pork cooking!
    Perhaps they squirted anti-matter into his brain through his ears?

  7. Doctor Grumpy, methinks there might be a few " I know someone just like that!" comments for this one.
    Actually, it sounds like one of my employees... heh.

  8. Actually it sounds like ME some days!!!

  9. He is at the apex of male ineptitude. At least we can use his example to say, "my husband/father/brother at least isn't THAT bad." :)

  10. Up is such a slut, what's the surprise he can score with her every time?

  11. I have frequently and regularly fucked up toast.


So wadda you think?