Thursday, March 24, 2011

Current 20 something

Has her name:

1. On her necklace

2. On her right hand ring

3. Tattooed on her left forearm.

4. Tattooed on her right ankle

5. And on a left toe ring

I have to wonder if this is so she doesn't forget it.


  1. Narcissistic personality disorder perhaps or maybe anterograde amnesia?

    Bless her!

    Anna :o]

  2. She wants to be sure that if (when) she is in an auto collision, and becomes comatose (or dies), that she will be correctly identified (even if she is dismembered).

    Unlike in the case that I have read about, where in a van wreck of college students returning from an out of state game, one girl was among those that died, while her friend survived in a coma. The authorities confused the identities of the two young women, giving each to the other's family.

  3. No, as another 20 something I bet she is just narcissistic.

  4. maybe to reduce the awkward morning silence when the person she picked up clubbing isn't sure of her name

  5. My husband told me about someone (was it his ex-mil?? can't remember, blame the migraine) who wanted "Call me Peggy" tattooed on her left foot since she planned to leave her body to science and she didn't want autopsy/anatomy students to give her a name she didn't like.

  6. You laugh now, but that will be useful in case any of her body parts are lost or stolen.

  7. Maybe she is afraid of being murdered and chopped up, with pieces dumped in different places? Does she surf with Great White Sharks?

  8. Is she a budding politician?

  9. Does she sign it with little hearts over the i's, too?

  10. Maybe her parents gave her a really horrible name and as soon as she was old enough, she changed it without their permission and now she's giddy GIDDY about it. IDK

  11. Why would you want anyone else's name?
    You are the funniest medical blogger I have ever read. Please, check out my blog at

  12. Is her name spelled the same in each place?

  13. Probably so that HE doesn't forget it :)

  14. Well, she is seeing you, isn't she? Maybe she truly has amnesia.

  15. were the all spelled "right"?

  16. I had a dog that had a tag in case it was lost. I never thought of having the name tatooed to help with identification.

  17. How do you know what's on her left toe ring?

  18. While my hubby and I were filling out paperwork for our marriage license, another couple was at the counter being helped by the clerk. The groom-to-be was asked what his mother's name was. He wasn't sure how it was spelled he had his fiancee check the tattoo on his shoulder.

    Did your patient also have DNR tattoo'd on her chest?

  19. Tattoo you name on your body when you don't think the parents will like the full back peice or Death Before Dishonnor Skull and Dagger. No tramp stamp ?

    Wife hates tats, goes on a rant at party about tats and people with them. I turn to my new sister in law and say, Hey Judy, show her yours. She does, we haven't gotten the invite over in some time.

  20. Mom must be proud! Or she forgets
    her name and needs reminders.

  21. Wow, that must have been one very forgetful Momma that she needed to tattoo her baby's name all over her!

  22. I always suspect that name rings are so that when the wearer punches someone in the face, that person will never forget who was responsible for the scar. I guess if she's a kicker, that could explain the toe ring, but the rest is a mystery to me.

  23. Sounds a little borderline to me.

    By the way...did you write this during the interview?

  24. Does she have "boobs" tattooed (up-side-down!) on her chest to remind her which part she is washing whe she takes a bath?


So wadda you think?