Monday, February 14, 2011


At 9:38 this morning the following message was left on Mary's voice mail:

"Hi, this is Mrs. Fried, and I need to make an appointment. Please call me back at 867-5309."

So Mary wrote down the number, and called the lady. No one answered, so she set it aside to try again later.

At 11:45, a little over 2 hours later, they called back. "Hi, this is Mrs. Fried again. My schedule is busy, so I don't think I'll be able to come in at all. Can you cancel the appointment that I haven't made?"


  1. Kind of like "if the phone doesn't ring, it's me".

  2. "In fact, can you pre-cancel my next three appointments?"

  3. Busy, you are on fire.

  4. "No we can't. It's locked in, and if you don't show, we are going to charge you anyway."

  5. I never knew Jenny's last name is "Fried."

    And now that song will be stuck in my head the rest of the day. Thanks so much.

  6. Dr. Grumpy,

    I really enjoy your blog! Very funny stuff...thanks for making me smile.

  7. Sorry to go off-topic, but the "viral video" making the rounds of Selene Branson, the reporter, from the Grammys last night is just disturbing.

    I'm "only" a clinical lab scientist, but it sure looks like she had a stroke or TIA or some kind of neuro event on air.

    I'm all for laughing at talking heads and their bloopers, but this is just noooot funny.

    Subsequent reports claim the EMTs found normal vitals and so she was driven home. Seriously? Look at the video and tell me how you don't get a nice trip to a scanner of some sort.

    Hope she ends up being alright.

    Anyway. Sorry for the off-topic blathering, but I figured a neuro blog was as good a place as any for it.

    Happy trails.

  8. Uhhh... Thanks for getting that song jammed in my head - "Eight six seven five three ohhhh niiii-eee-iiiine..."

  9. Not the first time since finding this blog that we have all spent the day singing and thinking about Jenny. UGH!

  10. It's because I know nobody will think it's a real patient number. So I use it as my default phony number.

  11. Unrelated - drove by this today - here's another genius criminal for you:

  12. Very universal phone number, indeed. How about 588-2300 (now that I think about it maybe nobody else will know that one)?

  13. Betcha some dingy ER doc gave her your card or something and told her to call for follow-up, thinking that you were on pins and needles waiting for her call...

  14. Yes, I'll scratch your name off the non-appointment list right now.

  15. Anonymous...anyone who lived in the "Chicagoland Area" for any length of time will recognize that number...588-2300...EMPIRE!!!

    It is a ubiquitous ad for a carpet company with a very catchy jingle, for my non-Chicagoans...


So wadda you think?