Monday, February 14, 2011

Early Monday morning in the ER

Dr. Grumpy: "You've been taking Nostroke since I saw you last month, correct?"

Mr. Lacunar: "No, I decided not to start it."

Dr. Grumpy: "Why did you do that?"

Mr. Lacunar: "I wanted to see if I'd have another stroke."

Dr. Grumpy: "You did."


  1. I decided to close my eyes and cross the street to see if I'd get hit by a car...

    I thought studies have shown that patients are more afraid of strokes and resulting disability than death...

  2. Your reaction - was it really that cool? "Why did you do that". John Wayne would be envious, I think ;-)

  3. It was an honest question. I wasn't being sarcastic, angry, or mean.

  4. Siiiiiiiiiiigh. Oh well, I hope she'll be taking it now? Whatever it takes to get some compliance.

  5. I take it that "Lacunar" stands for something, as do most of your made up names. For the benefit of those of us who are not in the medical field, please, what does it refer to?
    Unwired minds waiting(and waiting, and...) for system updates want to know.
    WV: ovenophy: The study of ovens?

  6. If you looked in the dictionary under "dumb f***"...
    there would be Mr. Lacunar.

  7. Given his participation in this new stroke one might almost call it an "artisanal" stroke...

  8. "Oh, well I guess I should start taking it then?"

  9. My father was building a shed, when he was 81, he fell off the jury rigged scaffold, hit his head , had sub-dural hematoma, they couldn't give him his nostroke and sure enough, few days later he stroked. His life was miserable after that. Take your nostroke and stay off ladders and such. At a certain age, thought process does stop--of that I am convinced.

  10. Another case of self-experimentation. Hope he wasn't driving or doing anything with power tools.

  11. What was he supposed to take, Plavix?

  12. The "post hoc ergo propter hoc" fallacy claims another victim...

  13. Let's hope he's not taking viagra. We don't need any more of "him" running around.

  14. "It was for my son's science fair project"

  15. I smell a paper for the New England Journal of Medicine.

  16. Wadda I think?
    Weak logic can be lethally dangerous! Keep your brains in trim, guys!


  17. Deepest respect. My reaction would have been total disbelief.


So wadda you think?