Monday, January 17, 2011

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over?

My 11:00 today was a guy I've seen for years. He's a retired pilot, and now flies for fun. He shares a small plane with a couple other guys. During the appointment his cell phone rang.

Mr. Wright: "So now the pain is going down my right leg, and..." (cell phone rings) "Hang on doc... Hello? This is Orville."


"Wilbur? I thought you were going flying this morning?"


"Fuck. What's your altitude?"


"Can you see an airport, or highway, or something?"


"I'm sorry. Yeah, it was making a weird noise yesterday when I was up. Didn't I tell you about that?"


"I could have sworn I did. It was loud, though, when we were talking. Maybe you didn't hear me."


"That's pretty far out there, but you may not have a choice. Can Dave pick you up if you land there?"


"Then call him, for crying out loud! I'm at the doctor's." (hangs up) "And my right foot has some numbness along here."


  1. new symptom: some memory lose.

  2. Ok, that is one cell phone conversation that wasn't inappropriate during a consultation.

    Oh, and hilarious. My old roommate and I used to use "Whiskey Tango" as code for "White Trash". I mean, it has a perfect double entendre and everything!

  3. manic, was my first thought... although with cell phones and people talking on their bluetooth's, everyone looks like a psych patient these days.

    Wonder where Wilbur landed the plane.

  4. Reading between the lines...his buddy is flying a plane with a mechanical problem and thinks he is going to have to put down somewhere that is not an airport.

    So he calls to complain to his friend that the plane was broken?

    Amazing....he couldn't make that call AFTER he was safely on the ground? Maybe radio an airport to tell them where he is going down?

    Sigh...... Maybe these guys have been flying so long that making a cell phone call during a crash makes sense somehow.

  5. I SO do not want to be in that friends plane..or need picking up by DAVE...I fear they will be picking up PIECES of the plane.

  6. If he has to make a water landing, I hope he has an inflatable doll under his seat...

  7. Glad to hear Dr. Grumpy's office isn't a 'dead' zone or space for cell phone reception.

  8. I agree with AlbinoaBlackBear that that was actually a decent reason to interupt a doctor's apt. You know...a how to land your place in an emergency kind of consult!


    LOL. My word verification is CAUTION.

  9. Looks like he picked the wrong day to quit sniffing glue.

  10. "And can Dave fit your passengers in his car and take them the rest of the way to O'Hare? Okay, how about just the ones in business class?"

  11. Dr. Grumpy,
    Have you considered getting one of those cell phone blockers for your office? Yes, I know that they are "illegal", but I know a lot of people that have them and use them. Just a thought.

  12. What an Alpha Hotel.

  13. I don't know, I've heard some psychiatrists think it's advantageous to have patients on the phone during appts. Gives them another perspective where they might get more info than what the patient might share on their own.

  14. Love the Alpha Hotel comment!


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