Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday morning, 4:53 a.m.

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"Hey, um, this is Jennifer Jail, and my boyfriend is supposed to see Dr. Grumpy at 11:00 today, and kind of needs help in order to make that appointment, so I was hoping you'd call me back. We're trying to raise bail money to get him out by then, and if you can help that would be great. Otherwise he's gonna have to cancel the appointment. Thank you."


  1. Let us know when to reschedule

  2. hahahahaha...snort...hahahahaha

  3. He sounds very compliant. With his appointments, at least.

  4. His HMO doesn't cover this?

  5. Wow! I don't know what to say. I can't beleive it would cross his mind (or hers) that calling their doctor for bail would be wise? I seriously have to ask one of my doctors if all doctors have stories like this to blog about. The stuff you deal with can't possibly be made up.

  6. "I've already had to mortgage Vermont Avenue and Marvin Gardens. I should have known better than to get involved with a top hat. If only I'd listened to my mother and dated the wheelbarrow instead."

  7. "Besides, if he'd had his meds, he wouldn't have had a seizure in the middle of that 7-11 job and he would have gotten away clean. So the way I see it, you're kind of responsible."

  8. I'm actually not surprised at the presumption. When people get desperate, they suppress inhibitions. I have a cleaning woman ask me if I would sponsor her five (yes five!) children so they could immigrate here. (I refused this one.) A babysitter asked me to pay her in-arrears electric bill when her electricity was cut off. (I did it.) My secretary asked to borrow a kid's tuition when her husband failed to send her money. (I gave it to her.) The interesting thing is that the only time I've been stiffed was a loan to my own brother. In all other cases (and there have been more), I've eventually been paid back. I'm not suggesting, Dr. G., that you should help with the guy's bail, only that you've got a better shot at being paid back than if you lend to a relative. (Or maybe it's just MY relatives...)

  9. calling you at 4:53am? What was she thinking?

  10. Hahaha, I love the Anon 7-11 heist comment!

  11. How the Hell is it that you attract these people for patients? Are there some GP's out there that have a vendetta against you?

  12. Sooooo...who's responsible for the no-show charge. The patient or the county? Honestly, he would have been there if those mean police hadn't detained him without cause.


So wadda you think?