Sunday, October 24, 2010


Since I'm insanely swamped today, I thought I'd post this story from February, 2009, when my only followers were my dogs.

Highlight of call this weekend was a 20-something guy I saw for a head injury.

He had a fight with his girlfriend outside a restaurant and said he was going to teach her a lesson.

So he began repeatedly banging HIS head against the concrete sidewalk until he was covered with blood. At that point the police and paramedics pulled up, and so he began banging his head repeatedly on the police car's windshield until he shattered it

He then went back to beating his head on the sidewalk, which continued until the cops tasered him and the paramedics gave him a dose of Valium.

The admitting diagnosis was "Self Assault"

Exactly what lesson his girlfriend learned from this is unclear, but I suspect it had something to do with getting another boyfriend.


  1. Perhaps their argument concerned the relative hardness of concrete vs. glass, and he was trying to demonstrate?

  2. You don't by chance live in an area overpopulated by rednecks do you? That would explain a lot about.

  3. My brother used to do something like that as an infant. When he was angry at us, he would bang his head against the floor. He spent most of his toddler years with a huge bruise on his forehead. He's pretty normal now though.

  4. Friend of mine told me this story about playing a video game with another friend. They bet that whenever his friend did something in the game (look, I'm not into these things) he would punch the friend in the arm. This resulted in him punching his friend in the arm, in the exact same spot, dozens of times over the course of the evening. The next day the friend's arm was so black&blue that he wanted to take him to the hospital. I encouraged this just because I wanted to see him explain it to the doctors and nurses.

  5. This has nothing to do with crazy guys hitting their head on concrete, but I thought you'd appreciate it since you mention Diet Coke in your other posts.

  6. "Ok, you're right, you're an idiot, you win"

  7. I think you are totally out of the loop on the he-man thing. The girlfriend is supposed to feel remorseful that he is hurt, and realize just how bad her life is now that he's in the hospital. And welcome him contritely when he returns.

    Or not.

  8. Ahh, love this rerun. I remember reading your whole blog in one go after I found it, but back then I was too tired to comment properly. Life writes the best stories. :)

  9. A little old to be a head-banger. Guess he showed her, lol

  10. It's not uncommon for us to occasionally get arrestees that insist on banging their heads on the Plexiglas "cage" that separates the back seat from the front in our squad cars, or on the side windows. I've never understood what they hope to accomplish by this, other than delaying the trip to jail with a side trip to the hospital. However, I do prefer that to the deposition of assorted bodily fluids and semisolids that we get, unfortunately, much more often.

  11. I'm all jetlagged and stuff, and therefore confused, but why so busy on a Sunday? Hospital calls?

  12. WOW!!! Well, better that he teach her the lesson by hurting himself and not her.... but still... LOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!

  13. Sounds like instead of calling you, they should have called me!

  14. Is this a potentially terminal case of *miss-understanding*?


So wadda you think?