Saturday, October 23, 2010

On call follies

Dr. Grumpy: (looking at MRI film) "Looks like they did the surgery on the right side of your brain."

Mr. Craniotomy: "No, they did it in Missouri."


  1. I'm so sorry you had to tell a patient of yours that he has ALS. I think one of the most horrible things a doctor has to do is inform patients and their loved ones of heartbreaking news. I wonder if medical school teaches one how to respond in these difficult situations. I was just curious of how to be in these situations because I plan on being a doctor one day, and I am a really sensitive, soft-hearted person. I'm scared that I might start crying with the patient or with his/ her family.

  2. It's this sort of stuff that catches you being completely unaware. Nice one!

  3. Looks like maybe they broke something while they were in there.

  4. Maybe they took out more than they planned?

  5. LOL. I think I said something similar this week.... ha. Me brain is tyred.

  6. Technically... your both right!

  7. What's that old joke, something about "He was shot in the thick of the fracas..."

  8. Grumpy:

    He must be in Illinois, if he's confusing the state on the right. ;->

    Those crani characters say the darnedest things.

  9. are you sure it was the right side of the brain?

  10. Do people have brains in Missouri?
    Just kidding!

    ver: *mazesse*
    Another right mazesse (with green neurons attached) you have gotten me into!

  11. Sounds like they took out a wee
    too much!


So wadda you think?