Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's, um, for my sinuses.

Dude, I'm sorry if you're having trouble with your dealer, and he sold you some bad shit that he lied about being marijuana.

It's just wrong to rip you off like that.

But, in all honesty, calling the police to report him was NOT a good idea.


  1. Oregano goes well in spaghetti sauce.

  2. Why are people stupid? Why?

    Surely as a neurologist you have some idea (yes, I'm reaching here)...

  3. So, I just found out that they used to treat dysmenorrhea by applying cocaine the the "uterine" spot in the nose.

    I think my cramps in high school would have been much more survivable had my doc subscribed to that theory.

  4. When we first moved to BC, there was a local court case in which a man was charged with assault. His defense was that he had bought drugs from this person who then failed to deliver.

    The judge said the defendant had every reason to be outraged but probably shouldn't have resorted to hitting. He walked (with probabtion).

    I love it here.

  5. Any idea what has happened to ERP, his site states "account suspended"

  6. I found you again! I lost all my websites in a computer SNAFU and I have missed you so!

  7. In the words of Antoine Dodson: that is DUMB. That is SO DUMB! For Real. Run & tell that.


So wadda you think?