Thursday, October 14, 2010


Dr. Grumpy: "Look, this is silly. I mean, this is the third consecutive visit when I told you to increase your dose, and you agree to do so, but then when you come back you tell me you never did, though can't tell my why. And you wonder why your symptoms aren't any better. If you're not going to take my advice, why do you even bother coming in?"

Mr. Pill: "Doctor, can I ask you a question?"

Dr. Grumpy: "What?"

Mr. Pill: "Do I annoy you?"


  1. LMAO. Is this a young person or an older person?

  2. Does kind of make you wonder why he bothers, huh?

  3. I didn't know my mother was one of your patients...

  4. Really, why would someone do that? Maybe to get extra attention when he goes back to the Dr?

  5. Did he subsequently fire you?

  6. "You know how, in all those romantic comedies, they always start out annoying each other but then they wind up falling in love? When can I make another appointment?"

  7. Have you perfected your blank stare and slow blink yet?


  8. Your patient doesn't happen to be a puppet named Peanut, is he?

    "Am I annoying you Dr. Grum-m-py?"

  9. Sounds like chronic depression may be involved .... interesting attention-seeking behavior. Hmmm.

  10. Hold on one second there. What was the medication for.
    Are the symptoms pleasurable.
    Like for instance , don't lie, how many of you have never double downed on your Viagra, even though you don't need to.

    Maybe Grumpy just doesn't like to see the guy having fun. Got to watch the Grumpy.

  11. Perhaps making appointments is his way of keeping his wife happy, or convincing himself he is keeping himself 'healthy' but then never gets around to put your advice into practice...

  12. The only time I've ever had a problem with dosage increase or new med is because of cost but I always let my doctor know at the time. Normally they check to see if they have samples so that I can try said dosage/new med and see if it's effective before we try working out how I can manage to pay for it.

  13. I get it all the time where a patient calls back and says they are no better. I asked if the medicine made any difference and they say they never took it. The read the list of side effects and were afraid to take it. Can I just hang up then?

  14. Your patient probably reads this blog and was trying to determine if you're Dr. Grumpy.

  15. I think he is a mole. He is just posing as a "difficult" patient so he can gauge your responses and then rip the shit out of you on the internet doc rating sites when you tell him he is an idiot.

  16. Sounds like my mother in law!


So wadda you think?