Sunday, August 8, 2010

Date night

Waitress: "Hi! I'm Lacey! I'll be taking care of you tonight. How are you folks doing?"

Mrs. Grumpy: "We're fine. How about yourself?"

Waitress: "So-so. My daughter spent most of the afternoon in ER!" (starts crying).

Mrs. Grumpy: "Oh... I'm sorry. Is she okay?"

Waitress: "She shoved a Lego up her nose!"

Dr. Grumpy: "Usually they can get those out."

Waitress: "The doctor there tried for, like 2, hours, and couldn't. So on Monday we have to take her to a pediatric ENT."

Mrs. Grumpy: "I'm sure she'll be okay."

Waitress: "Our specials tonight are meatballs fornicato..."


  1. Did you leave her a big tip?

  2. Of course. She did a great job at getting our food. And the meatballs were awesome.

  3. What is it with chatty waiters? Is it a generational thing?

    'Cause in my day, they were too busy to chat.

  4. Meatballs fornicato? Fornicating meatballs? Were they better than sex?

  5. Couldn't get a lego out of the nose?!:? LAME! All you need is the Katz Extractor!

  6. Funny. Had you told her you were medical people up front? If not, there really is a lot of TMI going on.

    I try not to tell people so I don't have to listen to the whole least until after they bring my food.

  7. I never tell people I'm a doctor. If someone calls for one, I hide.

  8. I think Mrs. Grumpy is awfully nice. I also am guessing this is the waitress's first child.

  9. Captain FoulenoughAugust 8, 2010 at 4:13 PM

    I certainly hope the meatballs fornicato came with pasta puttanesca.

  10. ;) you can hide but you can't get away

  11. the spelling/grammar nitpickerAugust 9, 2010 at 7:55 AM

    "Waitress", I assume? How could you spell it incorrectly twice? :P

  12. Okay, teechur, I fiksed it. Hazerds of kut and payst.

  13. I was thinking the same thing abou the the comment about the puttanesca.....

  14. I suffer from a chronic illness, daily ups and downs, and it took a while to not hesitate before answering "how are you?".

    Never occurred to me to actually start in with it, though.

  15. Ah, the ever-elusive art of the segue...

  16. "I never tell people I'm a doctor. If someone calls for one, I hide."

    I work for one of the big insurance companies and I'm always slightly nervous that someone will assault me because they had a bad claim experience when I'm wearing one of our company's polo shirts in public.

  17. Removing foreign bodies is genuinely my favourite part of working in ER. It gets me out of bed in the morning. Love these cases!


So wadda you think?