Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Department of the Obvious

I'd like to thank an anonymous reader for submitting another remarkable research abstract.

Basically, this study discovered that children whose parents lose their jobs are MORE likely to lose their health coverage than children of parents who DON'T lose their jobs.

For the record, I am NOT trying to make a political statement here. I'm just pointing out yet another example of insane research from the Department of Obvious Conclusions. Political comments are not the intention of this post, and will be deleted.

(click to enlarge)


  1. I really need to get a job at the Department of Obvious Conclusions - I'm soooo good at reaching them!

  2. As Sheldon on "Big Bang Theory" says -- "The social sciences are hokum" -- and, I tend to agree.

  3. I can't believe you're in support of Obamacare. Fascist.

    Haha. Just kidding.

  4. Like I said yesterday- I support Paul the Octopus.

  5. At least going with Paul the Octopus isn't the crap shoot that any other choice might be. That boy has a proven record of success.

  6. Maybe Paul the Octopus could become a reviewer? He could have two boxes 'Shite" and "Not Shite".

  7. I thought of these features today when I read a paper that contained the following sentence: "Feeding rates [of C. elegans] are high in the presence of food and low in the absence of food." It had TWO citations. TWO. Seriously. Two citations necessary to say that there is less eating when there is nothing to eat!

  8. I decide not to pursue my PhD awhile back because I wasn't sure I'd be able to come up with my own reasearch ideas. Boy was that a mistake ;-)

  9. As someone who's forced to publish 'research' to keep my job - I can only sympathise with the authors -- at least the abstract was honest!

  10. I don't believe this study. I think we need a NEW study. Let's spends millions on a new study. I'll be the research team leader... how much to you think that pays?

  11. The social sciences have had a chip on their shoulder for years and have worked "hard" to try and garner the same respect that the "hard" sciences get. So they create 'studies" that sound scientific, that they think might lend them the legitimacy of real science....
    Of course..there are plenty of stupid studies going on in the hard sciences as well...folks will do anything to keep a grant. Isn't it required to note at the end of every article that "more research is necessary"....??



    Yeah...that's right.

  13. I rest better at night knowing that you are keeping us informed about these groundbreaking studies...

  14. I'm not trying to make a partisan-political statement; But, I do have to wonder where they got funding for their "research."


So wadda you think?