Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day at the Grumpy House

Mrs. Grumpy: "Aw, Frank! You made me a friendship bracelet! How sweet!"

Frank: "I didn't make it. I found it in Mrs. Leverton's garbage can."


Marie wrote a card, with this line: "Dear Mom, I apreshat all of the things you do. Like when I don't get to the bathroom in time. The next thing I apreshat is that you make dinner good."


  1. At least they appreciate the important things in life :)

    Hope the Grumpy household is having a great mother's day!

  2. Haha, this is one of the reasons I've thought of peds - you just never know what kids are going to say next to astound you.

    Marie's spelling and grammar sound a lot like mine as a kid. And somehow I convinced a medical school to accept me...

  3. Hold onto that card and bracelet, so you can show them to Frank and Marie's future boyfriends and girlfriends and embarrass them.

  4. I think it's great that Frank is thinking outside the box (though inside the can.)

  5. It's obvious that Frank is a budding future eco-warrior. He already reuses or repurposes and dumpster dives. Marie has extremely interesting spelling ideas, and probably has a great future teaching English or even in writing. Both of them are really cute, and they obviously appreciate their Mother.

  6. Yep, they sound like they're definitely your kids, Doc.

    Happy Mother's Day to Mrs SuperSkoolNerse Grumpy.

  7. Shhhh....CPS may be out to get you if they think you let your kids play in garbage cans.......

  8. My birthday fell on Mother's Day this year. My daughter (turning 8) chose a card for me with a sparkly butterfly on the front; on the inside it says, happy birthday "to someone who feels like family."

    Maybe next year I'll make the cut!

  9. Happy Mother's Day, Mrs. Grumpy!

  10. After a 14 hour, marathon drive back from son's graduation, made all the more fun by a lovely virus that threatened to blow out my eardrum, I arrived home to--homemade cheesecake!

    I do have great kids. I will try to remember that. I will. I will.


So wadda you think?