Friday, April 9, 2010

My 10:00

Showed up 10 minutes late.

Left his insurance card and wallet at his girlfriend's.

Forgot to bring in his MRI reports ("Oh, yeah, I think they're in a box under my bed.")

Had to call his mother to ask what medications he takes.

Forgot to stop at his regular doctor's office to pick up his insurance authorization.

And is wearing a T-shirt that says "I believe in personal responsibility"


  1. "Meaning I believe that it exists."

  2. Ah well. If he was "normal" (as in normally functioning), he wouldn't be there to see you. ;-P

  3. Re: the comment above, that's my question. Are the patients' ailments part of the problem????


  4. Early appointments are not immune from Last Appointment of the Day Syndrome.

    Also? Cognitive disconnect FTW.

  5. You are a neurologist, ya ever stop to think that he had his bell rung one time too many. Nah, not you guys. Obama is right, we need to open more med schools.

  6. Ironic, isn't it?
    Or is it moronic...

  7. Did he live at home with his parents until he was 26? If so, you might have had my ex-boyfriend in today.

  8. His mom bought him that T-Shirt.

  9. I assume he is not an alzheimers patient hehe, at least it happened at 10 am and not 7 pm =)

  10. No, just a 24 year old guy with no history of brain problems. Was here for other issues.

  11. Perhaps it meant to say:
    Personal responsibility for thee, not for me.


  12. Sure, he believes in everyone ELSE'S personal responsibility. For themselves. Just not, you know, applying it to himself.

    Just like my dad believes that the Democrats have singlehandedly destroyed every aspect of our country, while cashing his Social Security check every month and bitching about how Congresspeople don't have to pay for healthcare (since his and my mom's health insurance rates just went up 40%).

    You know, like that.

  13. Well, he has to start somewhere... but yeah, believing in it for OTHERS is a little lame.

  14. that motto is like believing in leprechauns, right?

  15. That's just all kinds of wonderful!

  16. Please tell me that you pointed out how "ironic" his shirt was to him....just for fun...on a Friday?


  17. Like he'd even have understood what irony meant.

  18. When he catches a glimpse, the mir-image doesn't look the same?

  19. The shirt is really funny. I wouldn't eliminate dementia from the differential though.

  20. Tell me he took the bus and didn't drive...

  21. Meanwhile, the friend he borrowed the T-shirt from six months ago (he'd puked all over his own shirt from drinking too much, and didn't want to stink up his mother's car when he drove home) has given up on ever seeing it again.

  22. Dear Anonymous 1:50,

    Your dad paid into Social Security with the promise that he would get it back (with equity). If the government wants to not pay us our Social Security, they need to stop stealing it from our paychecks immediately. Same with Medicare. Stop making me pay for it and I won't expect it later.

    Likewise, I don't mind if our duly appointed public servants (don't make me laugh) receive good health benefits. I DO mind if they give themselves better health benefits than I am allowed to purchase for myself and my family, especially since I (and your dad) pay for theirs.

  23. LOL. That seriously made me laugh. As a social worker that could have been my client. But with the shirt? Oy.


  24. Hey Grumps,

    You wouldn't happen to know if there are any new migraine preventative meds in clinical trials right now do you? I know since you are A). SUPER NEUROLOGIST and B). Involved in a lot of market research and such and have the ability to answer some incredibly challenging and important questions (LOL); I thought you may know a secret.

    Also, have you ever allowed a asthmatic to try beta blockers as a preventative medication when EVERY OTHER FEASIBLE OPTION HAD BEEN TRIED NOT ONCE, NOT TWICE BUT THRICE? Just wondering. I am fully aware of the severe ramifications for persons with asthma and beta blockers just wondering?

    At least the patient "TYPE" you had described earlier in the week had a 10:00 appointment today instead of 4:40.

    Is it really that hard to come prepared? I have some serious neuro problems, SHIT, I have some serious health problems in general (seven hospital stays in 2009; three were surgeries) and three already this year---one being a ten day stay starting with a direct admit for bacterial sepsis on the 9th of January (met my deductible early on at least).

    My point being I am always prepared with copies of my most recent med lists, questions written (two copies one for each of us), recent lab work (even if he hasn't ordered it), recent test results (sometimes he just takes a look and jots some notes down and gives it back to me) but nevertheless, with all that I have going on medically and there is A LOT and it's not little stuff (not terminal) but FIVE BIG BAD THINGS and I try to make things as easy as possible for ALL my doctors. Especially since they spend a lot of time with me.

    You really do put up with a lot of shit!

  25. At least it covers his stomach tattoo.

  26. I sure hope you didn't let him use your bathroom.

  27. CardioNP, that's probably it! Love the idea (it should say so on the shirt in fine print). :-)

    Dr.Grumpy, I know your cases are sometimes out of loop for anonymity, but as this doesn't matter for enjoying the end of a week (because you probably had a similar eyroll-inspiring patient yesterday anyway) - have a nice weekend! I hope not on call!

  28. His girlfriends t-shirt must have read "i'm with stupid"....

  29. That reminds me, I need to update the med list I keep in my purse & wallet. Lord'a'mercy! That child needs some remedial organizational skills work! Me, I'm just trying to get through everything on the computer while dealing with shot periods of falling asleep & typing the wrong letters. meh. Yet another thing to report to my pcp on Monday.

  30. Beats the t-shirt I saw last week--

    I cede all responsibility to GOD.

  31. These people are the bane of our existence. New insurance information? "Yeah, I just got some big packet at home, haven't opened it yet." Which of your 4 eyedrops do you want refilled? "I don't know the name of it, the bottle is blue."
    But, once these people are standing at the counter,it's my problem now....
    and that's the way they like it!


So wadda you think?