Friday, April 9, 2010

Early Morning ICU Rounds

Attention guys:

Having a stomach tattoo that says "SUCK DIS, BITCH!" with an arrow pointing downwards WILL NOT endear you to the ICU nurses!


  1. Wow. Seriously? That's a charmer to bring home to the folks.

  2. Yup. Seriously. Must be very popular at the waterpark.

  3. OMG!! Is he related to the idjet who put his hand on my thigh three times at a bar? I put it back on his own twice & said, "I think this is yours." The third time I slammed it on the bar and said, "Bartender. This is the third time this ::sarcasm on:: gentleman ::sarcasm off:: has missed putting his hand on his own thigh. Perhaps he's had too much to drink?"

    The bartender immediately tossed him out and barred him from the establishment. Pity you can't do that with the guy in the ICU.

  4. I so agree. Nothing is as annoying as poor spelling. On an unrelated note, perhaps there's some causal relationship between the presence of the tattoo on his stomach and his presence in the ICU?

  5. If he's available, Im single.

  6. It could be worse Grump. Imagine one that says: 'This is my $5 footlong" LOL

  7. Saw a guy with "The King" tattooed to his right thigh with an arrow pointing you know where.

  8. mother-in-law, PACU RN, was doing her thing when she noticed a similar tattoo on a young lady- her "area" was dyed green, with a tattoo sign that said, "please stay off the grass." i still do not believe it, but i suppose anything in health-care is possible.

  9. People handle their insecurities in various (strange) ways.

  10. Thanks for every laugh!!! I am a social worker and kinda know what U go through every day. You are not alone *lol*!

  11. People who get tattoos like this never think they're going to be in a potentially embarrassing situation one day...

    Oh wait, folks like this probably wouldn't care that much anyway.

    Me? I would be MORTIFIED!

  12. Doesn't anyone say "please" anymore?

  13. NOW you tell me! Why couldn't you have posted this on your blog sometime BEFORE last Saturday night?

  14. Think how confusing it will be if he decides to get a sex change operation later on.

  15. I used to work at a family practice where one of our patients had a tatoo "there" that said "Property of Bob." *shaking head*

  16. I have some friends whose uncle had "your name" tattooed down his member. That way he could use the line, "I have your name tattooed on my dick." Yeah, he is dead from a cocaine overdose.

  17. foley to wall suction. stat.

  18. I can only wonder what his upbringing must have been like? Or is there truly, "one in every family"?

  19. I think if I were an intensivist I would order for this guy a rectal tube, an NG tube, and daily nerve conduction tests.

  20. Ya'll are being just silly about this..we all KNOW that any female willing to place any orifice of hers near this "gentleman's" crotch can't READ anyway, so he STILL has to sound-it-out to da bee-oches !!

    Pattie, RN

  21. Just because you don't find it a turn on doesn't mean all ICU nurses don't like it. I'm constantly amazed at what some people are attracted to (both men and women).

  22. He sounds like a hot piece of sumthin' sumthin'.

  23. Hey- that's my boyfriend you're talking about... Riigght..
    HA -classy chap. Thats going to go down (excuse the pun) really well when he's 86 and in a resthome and his philipino* male nurse has to skin lift his beerbelly to read it slowly to himself.."sock diz. beetcheese?" you want me go find som sock for you, Messter Smeeth?? Or maybes som cheese?"
    I would have given him a lecture on grammar and spelling.

    Reader in New Zealand (-:

    *nothing against philipino nurses -they are great - and have the humour to deal with this sort of -err - situation!

  24. Your comments were even funnier than the tattoo. Seriously, yesterday I came back to this post 10 time just to read them.

  25. Wouldn't you just love to be around years from now.....just to witness his regret?

  26. He should get another tattoo in his genital area with an arrow pointing up that says "I'm with stupid" LOL!

  27. Oh, I want him as my next husband! Even better if he has a big gold grill! Or missing teeth! Be still my heart. *swoon*


So wadda you think?