Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March Madness starts tomorrow! Lets get snipped!

I'd like to thank my reader Joey for submitting this ad. For my non-American readers, March Madness is the college basketball championship tournament. It's played out over 3 long weekends, and the first weekend, in particular, is non-stop games on TV from Thursday morning to Sunday night.

(clip, I mean click, to enlarge)


  1. Living in Kentucky I am unfortunately closely acquainted with March Madness . . . so why not Vas Madness!

  2. What is it about urologists and sports anyway? First the guy who advertises on urinal pucks in baseball stadiums, and now this.

  3. I notice that this promotion is happening in Austin, right during SXSW, when half the world is there. If they set up a tent somewhere in the bar district, hired a band, and put out a keg of beer, they'd have more business than they could handle.

  4. are the folks in scrubs spelling something?

  5. Or you can just rear-end someone in your car while you shave your nether regions.

  6. Vasectomy: $500
    Not having to pay $60,000 in child support: priceless


  7. In keeping with the Stan Lee-like spirit of the tournament ("March Madness," "Sweet Sixteen," "Elite Eight," "Final Four"), they should have made their title more alliterative. "Vas Vivisection," or "Deferens Demolition" or "Schlong Schlashing" or something like that.

  8. You know, I don't think I want the doc to the right of the gal in pink scrubs coming anywhere near the naughty bits on anyone I hold dear.

    And what are they using to snip the net? Garden shears?


    Just sayin'


  9. That's kind of awesome, actually.

  10. I am not a dude....however, if I
    was one I think I would not want to
    'Get the ball rolling'!

    BTW: #6 'little pain, 'BIG GAIN'
    how many men would think.........

  11. If they had March Essure Insertions or March Tubal Ligations, they'd make a whole lot more money.

    Partially from me, 'cause I don't want anything occupying my uterus, thanks.

  12. It just hit me...the three figures in the middle at the bottom...VAS


  13. That's bloody brilliant advertising! I love it

  14. thanks doris, unless it is a stealth gyno ad for YAS.

  15. "Get the ball rolling" gave me a terrible visual of a huge goof. Not a basketball, not pretty!

  16. WIN - in my book ....

    v.w. randy = down under this is another word for horny!

  17. Unbelievable, I spent several years in Advertising as a Graphic
    Artist and I never thought of anything as brilliant (and uncouth) as that.

    Not sure which reason is my favorite....I Do like the one about saving money on Condoms.

    Dr. are a delight. Thanks!

  18. Apparently, advertisements aren't needed? I guess if you're gonna be laid up on the couch watching TV.. it gives you a good reason.

  19. I'm so proud to live in Austin right now!

  20. I wonder whether the bags of frozen peas used for icing down the aching junk get put back into the freezer. I mean, what do guys do? Do they throw them out? My theory is that single dudes put them back in the freezer and married dudes throw them out so as to avoid grossing out the wife, and that in either case it'll be a long time before they can stand the sight of frozen vegetables.

  21. Condoms do help prevent transmission of viruses and other kinds of crud and get a Gardasil while going at it full-bore.

  22. Yes, it's real, and yes, it's Dr. Wang's urology team.

  23. Urologists usually cater to men, who usually like sports, hence the sports references/ads for urology stuff.
    In Atlanta, there was a urology group that had bill boards with a baseball bat and two balls, then the next spring it was "fertilize your lawn, not your wife" and a green grass.

  24. once upon a time, long ago, first hubby and i had a baby. and she was smart and funny and he decided to *ahem* persuade me to ok his vasectomy because HE wanted no more children. (he was only 24, i was 20.) and lo, he was snipped.

    and lo, once he came home, our darling little toddler ran up to him because she loved her daddy, and climbed in his lap where he was sitting there whining. wearing her cowboy boots. and stomping around. i was never so proud to be a mama in all my life. ;)

  25. A+ for creativity!! I guess they figure most guys will be sitting on their asses in front of the TeeVee for days drinkin' beer, why not multitask and heal that vasectomy at the same time?

  26. I'm a urologist in oregon. It was our group that started this a few years ago (though that's not our ad above). (I wish I could claim it was my idea!) what started as a joke led to a discussion which then led to a small local ad campaign. the media picked it up and it exploded (pardon the term) in popularity. We are getting reports from other groups all aound the country duplicating the concept.
    Last year, someone sent me a translated news story from a paper in china stating: "american urologists urge vasectomies for college students."

  27. I saw another ad tying March Madness and getting a vasectomy-the tag line was "Lower your seed".

    (Yea, I said tying)

  28. Thanks to your posting this image, I have discovered that the human scrotum does, in fact, have a memory.

    Good thing I saved that bag of frozen peas from '08.

  29. What a comeback to the spouse sick of sports, who hoped hubby would spend time on yardwork: Sorry, dear, the doc says I can't do much except lie on the couch and watch TV, and you DID want me to have this procedure, so...

  30. Down my way some radio ads for vasectomies suggested the same thing: get 'er done, then recuperate while watching March Madness. Small world.

  31. And yet I need three letters of reference and a note from my mother to get my tubes tied, and I'm almost 30.


So wadda you think?