Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dear Mag Mutual Healthcare,

Thank you for your catalog of spiral-bound medical coding notebooks.

I've been trying to save money. But when I saw that if I spend only $355.95 on your books, I get a FREE stuffed bear (I bet it's made in China, and only cost you a few pennies), I just KNEW I had to place an order. A deal on a FREE stuffed toy like that (with every order of $355.95) doesn't come along every day.

If I had any second thoughts about getting the books, they were immediately erased when I noticed Jennifer on your cover (with the bear in the background).

I'll call you to place my order later, Jenn. I just hope Mrs. Grumpy doesn't catch me.


  1. If I order those coding books, does that mean I'll get Jennifer's rack too?

  2. Why is the bear a "chef" anyway?? Jennifer doesn't look like she has too much to do, seeing as her desk is pretty much clear. Maybe we can ask her.

  3. Old MD Girl: Don't think it's possible to sell anything but preteen bras without that size rack anymore!

  4. What does a bear have to do with coding, anyway?

    It fascinates me that the medical coding industry is copyrighted and controlled by a single company. Huh?

    Why do they get a piece of every diagnosis, every medicare payment, and every insurance adjustment, just because someone wrote a set of codes forty years ago?

  5. I don't order the stupid books. I have electronic records and they update codes quarterly. I guess I really just pay a different way.

    It really annoys me that the AMA owns and gets money for these codes. The codes should be free to everyone. They should be available online.

  6. I especially like that they're throwing in the hcpcs II code book and the coding guide, acting like a private physician's office needs those. Morons. "Chef Codey" would only be good for throwing during long calls to insurance companies, with which Jennifer clearly has never worked, because NOBODY smiles like that after doing any work in medical billing.

    word verification: conit

  7. The stretching of that top she's wearing looks like a subliminal message of fingers reaching to cop a feel.

  8. Am I the only one that thinks the bear looks like a hair adornment, akin to a flower, only... more stupid!?

  9. RAC audits. hehehe.

  10. If I were Jennifer I would be appalled and embarrassed at the implications made. Then again, maybe her desk is clean because orders are NOT flooding in. They must have got a discount for going with an irrelevant bear as I've seen some darling medically-themed ones that would be more enticing.

    Maybe the chef is to assist the unscrupulous in cooking the books?

  11. Terri- In all honesty, there was more to Jennifer's comment than that. It went on about finding customers the right package of books to help them, etc.

    I just cut it off after the first sentence, which was the most interesting.

  12. Yeah, the first sentence indeed is interesting--that's no accident!

  13. Define "relationship" Jennifer.

  14. bimbo advertising is not unusual in medicine (see: drug reps). what surprises me is that none have tapped any of the lewd spin jokes hanging. puritans. wf=fskin

  15. They probably won't have to give away may free bears, unless, of course, Chef Codey is code for 'a relationship with Jennifer'

  16. so they encourage Jenn to have extensive intercourse with her clients? such a wonderful business practice, guaranteed to bring in repeat customers.


So wadda you think?