Sunday, February 7, 2010

May I take your order?

So last night we went to La Enchilada Grande for dinner.

I ordered the enchilada platter, and perky waitress says "That's a good choice. My dad over there just ordered it, too."

Whatever. Our dinner goes on. A few minutes later I hear a lady across the aisle order a taco salad, and Ms. Perky says "That's a good choice. My dad over there just ordered it, too."

And a few minutes later a new group was seated in the booth behind us. A guy ordered the Grande Chimichanga, and Ms. Perky, of course, says "That's a good choice. My dad over there just ordered it, too."

Now, granted I wasn't really watching where she was pointing with "over there", but I can only come up with 3 options:

1. She's full of shit.

2. Her Dad has a huge appetite.

3. Her mother was remarkably promiscuous, and by an amazing coincidence all of this girl's potential dads felt like Mexican food last night.


  1. I like number 3. (Fireguy wants to know what's so funny.)

  2. hehehe, i think she needs a new sales line :)

  3. I ordered half a pound Sicilian pasta salad (red roasted peppers, olives, green stuff) at the grocery store deli counter yesterday, and the gal that always scoops it out did not say (as she usually does), 'that's my favorite, too', and furthermore, attempted to return a spoonful to exactly measure 8 oz, not like she usually overfills a smidgeon. I wondered for a minute, before distracted by the royal blue aisle decor (our native son graduated from local U and is standout for the 'other team', but we're in royal blue country here in the mid-eastern cornfields.) When I served it for dinner, I realized there was too much vinegar in the dressing and had a coughing fit. (Besides keeping perked ears, gotta 'read' those subtle signs, too.)

  4. 4. Her dad is doing something with all these dishes other than eating them.

  5. I really hate it when waitstaff praise me for my "choice" anyway. Like it's so difficult to pick something off a menu.

  6. Or you three gentleman are on a new Mexican relaity television show where one of you lucky guys are the father of your waitress!

  7. Someone had a big appetite, that's my choice--for what, it's difficult to pin down with any predictability.

    "impoxa" -maybe not impoxa, but possibly 'multi-food preference chimerism'?

  8. I vote for #1 and I think she has a great future selling dubious financial products. Anonymous--love the story!

  9. If her Dad has a huge appetite, he's the one who's going to be full of shit after a spell.

    I also thought of sugar-daddies, but LTCLC got there first.

    Maybe if I wake up before 2pm on Sundays...nah, forget that!

  10. I wonder if it occurs to her that she is simply lying, with great frequency and casualness. The fact that she doesn't care about that is disturbing to me.

  11. Sounds like she has a great future as a drug rep.

    Hopalong Ginsberg

  12. 4. GiantFoodCorp's policy and procedure manual advice novice waitstaff that the line is a perfectly acceptable white lie to get patrons to order whatever dish they ask about.

    Like the P&P manual at GiantPharma which actually stated that we under no circumstances were allowed to put "Use as directed" on any prescription label, but had to call the nurses and get directions.

    Word is "AXIATE"

  13. Clearly she's perseverating, and needs psych evaluation. Call 911 for a mental hygiene arrest!

  14. Someone should tell her that validating one person's choices (most likely the person she perceives to be picking up the check) is also invalidating the other people at the table's choices.


So wadda you think?