Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Heard in passing

Walking down the hall outside of ICU, I passed a teenage girl with a nose ring mumbling into a cell phone.

"Yeah, cuz, like, everyone is like, just not happy. I mean, not at all. They're like so not happy. I mean, to see all these unhappy people is, like, really totally sad."


  1. Ugh, that is sad. I guess she doesn't know that most people are just waiting for the time of death to be announced? I spent a week in the ICU waiting rooms when my mother was dying and it was sad. Really totally sad. What was more sad was seeing the young man that lost his mother to a bad car accident have to sit next to a large group of hilarious idiots drinking and laughing. [/Rant]

  2. Ah, the wisdom of youth.


  3. Like...totally like real life stuff, ya know? Like Dude...Seize the Day!

  4. Let's not use the word "seize", shall we? I see enough of it as is!

  5. Like, yeah. Is this, like, her first, like, BAD experience?

  6. Meh, people dying in ICU is nothing. The other day a friend died while playing Modern Warfare 2. Now thats what you call truly sad and tragic...

  7. Anon, you sound like my boyfriend. lololol (with the MW2 talk)

    There used to be a sing-song from when I was little that went "Like totally, for sure! do you like my manicure? The sun, I swear, it's bleaching out my hair! Oh my god I don't know what to wear! 46, 32, I don't know the score do you? FIGHT FIGHT, Do I look alright? FIGHT FIGHT, of course I look alright, I always look alright!"


  8. What's sad is this generation's angst is my generation's Valley Girl...

  9. Ye gods and little fishes...
    And she will go on to procreate & vote.
    Now THAT is like, totally, sad & scary!

  10. Amanda- yeah, I always hear the Frank Zappa song in my head at times like that.

  11. A bit of a wake up call to reality for her.
    I am amused at her 'turn of phrase'. Adding the work 'like', and the alternative negative 'so not happy'. Both are used here too (in New Zealand) mostly by the teens and early 20's, I think it is copied from the movies.

  12. Oh come on, why ya ribbing the nose rings? My nostril is pierced and I, like, hardly ever, y'know, talk like that. ;)

  13. I can almost see the intellect in her statements.

  14. I so totally hear you Amanda!

    - noniviolet

  15. On the topic of joking about how the younger generation speak these days, here is a great clip from a UK comedy show;


  16. If my kid talks like that when she hits teen years I am going to write myself off with a parenting fail.


So wadda you think?