Tuesday, January 5, 2010

That's kind of personal

One of my MS patients is trying to have kids, and is seeing a fertility specialist.

I get notes all the time from other docs asking me for neurological clearance to do some procedure (colonoscopy, hysterectomy, face lift, whatever) on my patients. So I write out an "okay from neurology view to do whatever you want with them, have fun" note.

The request on my MS patient, though, could have been worded better. It said:

"Cindy is going to do a procedure that may result in her becoming pregnant. Please write a note that it is okay for her to do this."

Sheesh! If I have to write a clearance note every time one of my patients does something "that may result in her becoming pregnant" I'm going to have a really sore hand (from writing the notes, I mean) and will likely run out of pens when a patient goes on her honeymoon.


  1. Confucius say - Seven day honeymoon make one hole weak ...

  2. I wish more people had to get clearance to have kids.

  3. Can you write one for my honeymoon?

  4. lol! that's almost as good as hearing the RE give patients orders to have sex before an appointment so that he can evaluate sperm motility. ;-)

  5. It's not the pregnancy part that is difficult. It's the 18 years afterwards that is taxing on the brain.

    Or so I have heard.

  6. Glad you clarified that . . . about your hand, from uh, writing that is.

  7. Jesus Christ. Some docs are so risk adverse to border on the absurd.


So wadda you think?