Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday morning, 6:55 a.m.

"Hello? Is someone there? I was referred to Dr. Grumpy, and need to make an appointment for my husband. He had a stroke, the neurological kind, and it was in his brain, like on the right side, or maybe the left, or somewhere else. But he had one, and it was somewhere in his body, and he needs to see Dr. Grumpy. Do you have Sunday appointments? My chiropractor does, so I thought other doctors might, so maybe we could get in today. Thank you."


  1. I think she should hang up the phone softly and then call her chiropractor.

  2. "He had a stroke, the neurological kind." I wasn't aware of any other kind? Maybe I'm wrong.

    I cannot completely fault her. Maybe she was referred by the hospital and told to follow up with you "right away" and so she took that literally.

    Enjoy your last day of the long weekend Dr. G. You deserve it!

  3. Sounds like someone needs to be punted to the ER.

  4. A neurological stroke. That's just precious.

  5. Doesn't anyone actually listen to the recording prior to opening their mouths and letting their stupidity leak out? I weep for humanity...

  6. You know, I wouldn't believe that people could be so stupid... except for the fact that I experience it regularly myself.

    Yesterday, while I was at the Pyxis which is about 12 feet from my patient's room (I work in a PICU), my patient's dad tried to UNHOOK HIM FROM HIS CVVH CIRCUIT. I know it's such an overwhelming thing to see your child so sick, and that my simple explanations/education about his condition probably aren't adequate, but still... I was so angry I nearly had a stroke myself. Rationale? "Well, he just needed a break from all them gawd-day-um machines." Really? REALLY? 'Cause unless you're gonna make your kid a DNR, I don't play that game.

  7. Lady, your husband "missed" a stroke, take him to the chiropractor, then the massage parlor...

  8. The Evil ReceptionistJanuary 3, 2010 at 6:41 PM

    "Doesn't anyone actually listen to the recording prior to opening their mouths and letting their stupidity leak out?"

    Nope. It's just white noise.

    Word:woreis As in, "Wore is mah payne meduhmukayshun?"

  9. "Also, I have a half-off coupon for Dr. Pepper, so I thought you might offer one too."

  10. If the only thing I ever read was your blog I truly would think humanity has lost all hope.

    Another reason for EVERYTHING to be closed on Sunday's - so there is no confusion for people (I so wanted to use another adjective) like this one!! AHHHH, Dr. G you are still my hero!

  11. And no of course your answering service didn't say that the office was in fact closed until Monday.

  12. Hmm if someone had a stroke wouldn't you want to take them to the ER asap?

  13. '"He had a stroke, the neurological kind." I wasn't aware of any other kind? Maybe I'm wrong.'

    The conjugal kind?


So wadda you think?