Saturday, December 19, 2009

Winter Vacation, Day 1, 7:09 a.m.

And it was clean last night. Yes, that's part of the Christmakuh tree.


  1. hehehe .. i can SO identify .. BUT we've got 7 weeks or so of school holidays to get through ... at least life will return somewhat to normal in a couple of weeks for you guys.

  2. add a few more toys and this could be my house... of course, I just have an insane 2-year-old. And since I am on bed rest, I have to wait for my husband to clean it up!

  3. You should rev up the Vacuum and see the lil Grumpy's run to collect they precious lego and other foot cripplers.

  4. LOL! Isn't that my house???


  5. Whoever the culprit was just wanted some color in that room---too much beige. Accessorizing, if you will.

  6. You have three children and three dogs (one of them black), and you have a WHITE RUG?

    You need to see a neurolo...oh wait!


  7. love the blue and white tree. :)
    which grumpy is jewish?

  8. I agree with Nurse K, that room looks way to....sterile. I think they were just trying to add a bit of personality.

  9. Doris beat me to it- I saw the picture and immediately thought: white rug, white furniture, wow!! You guys are either brave, extremely controlling, or naive!! ;-)

    word verification: butranc


  10. Look at your floor and pristine rug!

    I have two children -- 2 and 6 -- and my poor antique hardwood floors look like an ice rink just after a game. Ugh.


  11. I[m jealous of all that floor space! However, I agree with Doris --- 3 kids, 3 dogs, and a white rug??? Are you nuts?

    Donk (no kids, 3 dogs, 2 of them long haired and all of them BIG)

  12. Doris & Lilorfnannie:

    House was all white when we bought it. Walls, tile, carpet, etc.

    Between kids and dogs it's been so damaged (and it continues) that it's not worth putting money into redecorating. No matter what we do, they will trash it. So no point in wasting the money.

  13. Playmobil! Good taste, those kids.

    Good luck, Dr. G.

  14. Um.. white on white. The addition of color is actually a plus.

  15. Okay,have fun stepping on those sharp plastic "lego-type" things all over your floor!!

  16. LEGOS. A child's version of the punji stick.

  17. If this scene was at my parents about 15 years ago, my mom would have had a hairy fit, lol. She's anal about cleanliness - even cleaning before the housekeeper arrives, lmao!

  18. About not redecorating. Oh, do I ever hear THAT one. I figure I'll get nice furniture *someday*- maybe when the kids move out. Till then, I don't buy nothin' that needs to be polished or can't take heavy abuse. Preferably stuff that cost under $25/free.

  19. Well, Dr. G. At least the kids are following the rules about no colored liquids... . But, really, it does look like some kids were amused and exercising major mental and skeletal muscle groups; real homey.

  20. What IS it about homes having white carpeting? My house did too when we moved in, and I'm using the same logic to not redecorate until the rugrats are older.

    The white carpet now has pee stains from a dog with chronic UTIs, barf stains from a kid who was running to the bathroom but didn't make it, and red nail polish (grumble).

  21. The solution to handling Lego is simple: A big sheet. Play on that, when it's time to put it away you only need to worry about strays, otherwise you just grab the corners and fold it up. Or you can be even fancier and do what my mother did: Drawstrings.


So wadda you think?