Sunday, December 20, 2009

More Gift Ideas

Santa Claus.

The embodiment of holiday cheer. One of December's most endearing legends. A great way (at least to try) to keep your kids in line year round ("you're gonna get coal if you don't stop that!").

So what could be more appropriate, joyful, or holiday-esque than this?

(click to enlarge)


  1. Not sure which is worse:
    a) someone comes up with ideas like this;
    b) some company manufacturers and markets it or
    c) you manage to find it!

  2. I like the "competitor's price" on the ad. Is there really that big of a competition for this?

  3. I need about 10 of these...

  4. OMG! Wish I could get one of those and send it to my ex-husband. It would just be so appropriate!

  5. Ha ha ha I have that same catalog and ordered a ton of stuff from it..but not that.

  6. No offense, but obviously boys never out-grow bathroom humor...

    And by the way, where would someone buy lumps of coal for stockings nowadays? My sisters and I used to walk down railroad tracks to find some when we were kids.

  7. Wow, this is something my ex-father in law would love, especially the "sit in my lap" part. I once asked him what he wanted for Christmas, and he told me "a hug." I thought that was sweet until he added, "so I can get a titty rub!" Yeah, after that I didn't ask and he got socks.

  8. LMAO my teenage cousins would love this thing! Boys and their fart jokes...


So wadda you think?