Monday, December 21, 2009

Thank you for sharing

A company I consult for was trying to set up a time for me to review data. The person at their office stopped returning my emails and calls for a week, then emailed me this morning to apologize.

Could he have just said "Sorry, I was out sick"? Of course. Did he. Hell no!

Instead he felt the need to send this:

"Sorry Dr. Grumpy, I haven't been feeling well, and was out of the office. I'm having terrible rectal problems, and am scheduled for an anuscopy tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to it, either."


  1. Definitely TMI.


  2. Wow. Maybe he thinks since your a doctor (obviously we know it doesn't matter what kind of dr you are) you want to know these details?

  3. I'd tell him that I lost my watch and that if they find it up there to give me a call.

    But that's just me.

  4. I guess by giving an excure like that you are less likely to question him if it's complete B.S. I bet he was out golfing!

  5. isn't suppossed to be "anoscopy"?

  6. Anon- you are correct. But I quoted verbatim.

    These people work in health research, too.

  7. You should have said, "Don't take me there!"

  8. The caller suffers from craniorectal inversion; ergo, the anoscopy is a neurological procedure.

  9. Oh. my. goodness.

    once at work before I even could stop her, a lady came behind the counter, took off her shirt and her bra and showed me "a rash." Too much information. Why does the public think that pharmacists are dermatologists?

  10. Can we say TMI? Hell yes! Common sense fail!

  11. yes, this is why I was concerned. Well research will progress with gross errors...

  12. This is the definition of the word 'overshare'. I pass you a bottle of mind-bleach; use liberally, and as needed.


So wadda you think?