Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tis The Catalog Season

With the pentuplet of seasonal holidays approaching (Hanukkah, Festivus, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Solstice), my home mailbox is full of catalogs selling all kinds of things that these people apparently feel my family and friends can't live without.

Since so many of my patients call my office asking if we have any gift ideas (NO! I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO FREAKING IDEA WHY THEY CALL ME!!!) I figure many of you are dying to do the same (Dr. Grumpy merchandise is always nice).

So I've personally combed through these many catalogs to help you, my loyal readers, find some of the most useful gifts out there, and will present them over the next few weeks.

Today I'm going to kick off the list with this tasteful item:

Yes, it's a shower soap dispenser (comes with green gel soap! Wow!) that dispenses soap out of it's nostrils. I suppose next year they'll have one that makes a sneezing noise when you squeeze it.

I'd order one for that special coworker who continuously complains about allergies and leaves wadded-up Kleenex all over the office.


  1. I bet the younger kids would love something like that :D

  2. And I thought my job was to teach my children that bodily noises and fluid aren't funny . . .


  3. I love this and I'm not a younger kid - just don't know how clean I'd feel after washing with the green goo from out of the nose. I'm just saying . . . not sure

  4. My boy would LOVE to have this in the kids' bathroom. The girl would find it gross.

    I'm almost tempted...

  5. Of course there are always those model ladybit cushions (can't remember what they are called) that you can buy online. Or of course Giant Microbes....give someone syphilis for Christmas! The gift that keeps on giving.

  6. Wadded up kleenex all over the office? Erk! Paint the waste bin in a bright flourescent colour so she can SEE it and maybe put one of those miniature basketball hoops above it.

  7. My eldest likes the H1N1 giant microbe (so that's going in her stocling) and the pond scum one is pretty so my youngest is having that one. The eldest has also been given by her sicko friends, ebola, mad cow and syphillis! Nice!( I have the mono one as a reminder of the way it helped destroy my health:-( )
    Sign in: Stema - that sounds like another one!

  8. I love that! I'd buy it.


  9. Last year for Christmas, I gave my fiance the form of a plush giant microbe. I told him, "It's the gift that keeps on giving!" My parents rolled their eyes.

  10. My husband wants to know if they have one that is shaped like a phallus.

  11. Lol, I don't even wanna know what body part the, um, shaving cream comes out of!

  12. I can't speak for all the other gals out there, but I know I'd love to see this on an OB/GYN's wall for the K-Y jelly. It would lighten the mood a lot more than those stupid kitty-cat posters they have taped to the ceiling.

  13. Our 11yo daughter saw this in a catalog and said she wanted it, but only after my wife looked at it and expressed disgust.

    Incidentally, I've also seen an egg separator in the shape of a face. The egg white part comes out of the nose. I came across it when I was ordering Cat Butt refrigerator magnets.

    Are you accepting new patients? Scratch that. You're in neurology, not psychiatry. LOL

  14. Seriously, where can I get one of these?


So wadda you think?