Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Playing Stupid. And Winning.

I share space with another doc, (we aren't even in the same specialty). We each have our own sign-in sheets, about 3 feet from each other, with our names and specialties at the tops in BIG BRIGHT LETTERS.

In spite of this, patients routinely sign in on the wrong sheet. Or (even worse) just stand at the front counter with a blank, cow-eyed expression, as if figuring out which sign-in sheet to use is advanced calculus.

So this morning I'm up front looking at some reports, and one of these cow-eye-people comes in, and just stands there. So Mary goes over to help.

Mary: "Hello! Are you here to see Dr. Grumpy or Dr. Pissy?"

Cow-person: "Yes".


  1. sounds like a neuro patient to me!

  2. ooh, please tell me Dr. Pissy has a blog. Sounds intriguing!


  3. Ah, yes, the standard 'I am here, take care of me' (or, maybe 'I am here, the world may now go on?') Possibly, 'I am here, let's see, what was next on the list?' response.

  4. You should tack on a little plastic brain to the top of the clipboard and the other guy can use a plastic heart or whatever would represent his specialty.

  5. Dr. Pissy because they are pissy or because they are a urologist?

  6. Jacqueline- Dr. Pissy because he is pissy.

    Having a Urologist and a NEUrologist in the same office would just be asking for trouble.

  7. In their defense, there are many that cannot read and are ashamed to admit it, so some honestly may not know which sheet is for which doctor. And some people cannot see very well (eventhough I know it was written in big bright letters, maybe they can't focus on it). But I feel ya. And maybe this one patient could not hear well either and thus just said "Uh, yes." I don't know, I know I'm reaching. LOL

  8. Dr Grumpy, I have just come home from a day spent in consultations with cow-eyed people (albeit cow-eyed cancerous people). Your post made me laugh out loud - thanks for brightening my day!

  9. Grumpy and Pissy . . . you sure you guys aren't dentists?

  10. I love being one of the winners! And the sacred cow-eyes is nothing - how 'bout the ”Sacred Cow Dung”

  11. Sometimes people are either sleep deprived/diet coke deprived, & especially if one is seeing the doc for the first time, they honestly can't remember which one they're supposed to be seeing.
    Been there, done that,and I'm not an idiot.

  12. Your perspective always makes me laugh--thanks for lightening my day! CP


So wadda you think?