Saturday, November 28, 2009

Brains and Butchers

This morning I went looking for a decent brain picture for the shirts. I couldn't find anything I liked in Google images, so I dug out and dusted off my old neuroanatomy textbook.

I'd forgotten this line (but it's hard to miss) in the book's first section:

"The fixed brain is serially sliced into 4mm sections on a Hobart Model 410 rotary-blade, electrically-driven, commercial meat slicer."

Think of that next time you're watching your local butcher use one of those things.


  1. I found your site through another are very funny. Thankyou.
    p.s. I used to own that exact brand of slicer back when I was fool enough to own a reataurant. I bought it used. Now I wonder.

  2. Is there something wrong with me that I really liked that statement?

  3. Zombieman's Deli introduces its newest sandwich- the "Dr. Grumpy." Sliced brain, piled high on rye bread, with lots of sharp mustard, served with a sour pickle on the side. Enjoy with a tall frosty mug of Diet Coke.

  4. A friend gave us his meat slicer when he moved away from the college campus to study entomology at another university. He was a dentist, presumably no worries 'that' way (??) ... I'd assumed he and his wife were hunters like a lot of folks in Wyoming, and occasionally needed automated help with slicing an elk or two.

    It was pleasant to think we could make the thinnest slices of beef for sukiyaki without necessity of freezing fingers with sawing chunks of near-frozen sirloin, but cleaning the machine and presence of young children in the house made the daunting considerations just evaporate. The kids are grown, and I'm afraid, now, of personal injury if using it, plus we don't eat much meat anymore, and bread comes already pre-sliced. So, we have a nice heavy duty meat slicer on a high shelf in the laundry room. A wedding gift?

  5. A few friends of mine have pointed out the alternative uses of slicers to me quite a few times. A bunch of us have worked in chain sandwich shops (me for the second time now) so horrible jokes would fly, especially around Halloween. I recently learned that the slicer at the current shop was also bought used, so now I will manically giggle while playing with dangerous machinary. Also, as side humor, I am a gluten-intolerant who works IN A SANDWICH SHOP. TWICE. ;)

  6. Geez... thanks for the mental pix, Dr G. From this day forth, the vision of a brain will always pop up whenever I'm waiting for the good butcher to slice my turkey ham (o_O!)


  7. and people wonder why i'm a vegetarian! i'll never forget watching the anatomy profs saw through a cadaver's head. so barbaric.

  8. Love Pubbyr Man's statement. What a great way to dispose of the bodies. BBQ'd meat sandwiches. Would you like breastmeat or leg? Sauce or mustard? Ha Ha.

  9. We all used to bring snacks to discussion during our first 6 months of med school. Then we had neuroanatomy lab in those same rooms with all those brain and eyeball specimens on the same tables. Most of us ceased with the snacks after that.


  10. Didn't any of you read or watch "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe"?


So wadda you think?