Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Uh, That's, Uh, Great, Thanks.

While doing some advance holiday shopping last night I stumbled upon this remarkable gadget.

(click to enlarge)

I want to know if it comes in a Batman model? What about Superman? Or Jesus?


  1. that pattern looks pretty burnt, i guess it wouldnt look as cool if it left the toast still edible

  2. I've seen them in Hello Kitty to! What would the world do without a Darth Vader or Hello Kitty image on toast?

  3. Did you say Jesus?

    You can find anything on the internet. AN-EE-THING!


  4. Doris, thank you SO MUCH!!!

    That is most excellent.

  5. My 11 year old and 4 year old would totally go for this. Fortunately they don't have credit cards. I'm a little worried about anyone old enough to buy this who would choose to do so.

  6. Holy Shroud of Turin!
    It's a different twist to 'burnt toast'.

    Seriously, they need to come up with something that butters it to specs and applies the Nutella or marmalade, too.

  7. Check out the Holy Toaster to burn Jesus into your bread. http://hackaday.com/2009/06/23/the-holy-toaster-kit/

  8. After this post, this blog is now toast.

  9. My husband would love this Darth Vader toaster - me, I'm going for the Jesus toast... or maybe hold out for the Virgin Mary version? What to do, what to do?

  10. Now I've seen everything. "May the Toast be with you."

  11. I'm a little worried about anyone old enough to buy this who would choose to do so.

    Ah, one of my friends who just got married this summer (at age 30) registered for a Star Wars something-or-other. I don't recall what exactly it was, as the store I went to didn't have it, but I do remember it involved the toy aisle & cost north of $50.

  12. Does it sound like Darth Vader as it's making the toast?

  13. @ Anon 1- It's ok if you like your toast on the dark side.

  14. I'd like to buy a "Hello Kitty" one for my niece's daughter, but I don't think I can afford it. Hello Kitty is hideously expensive in the UK (so is everything else, come to think of it!)

  15. so dr g, are you getting it?

    they have these for disney characters, too.


  16. No, I prefer my bread evenly toasted.

  17. I'll stick with "over-merchandised movies" for 500, Alex.

  18. There IS a Batman toaster. There's a big hunt for it, apparently. Walmart used to sell them, but since then , they've just kinda of dissapeared.


So wadda you think?